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Author | Topic: Boston Concert |
ANH Registered User
Registered: 8/28/2004
From: Rhode Island
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Song: Unexpected Song
| posted: 4/3/2005 at 10:34:39 PM ET OK, it looks like I won the "first to post" contest," so here it goes...the concert was amazing! She sounded great. She looked great. She sounded great. She looked great. Did I mention that she sounded and looked great? :-)
Anyway, we all met at the stage door before the show (Chip, Sister Rose, PAFan, Gypsy, Karen, LaCaugeAuxBoy, Katie, Lindsay, and Jamie). Mandy, we're sorry you're sick. She didn't come out before the show, so we went inside and took our seats. She sang so many great songs and I apologize that I can't remember them all or remember them in order. But, here are some of the highlights...Let Me Entertain You, Fever (AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! WE MUST GET THIS RENDITION SOMEWHERE), Unexpected Song, You Can Drive a Person Crazy, Nothing Like a Dame, Some Enchanted Evening, Count Your Blessings, No One is Alone, Time Heals Everything, Not a Day Goes By, Children Will Listen, Move On, Mr. Snow, and of course, Rose's Turn. There are more, but I'm much too tired to remember at the moment. Sorry. Hopefully someone else can help me out here.
Some of us went to the reception after the show and got to speak with her briefly. She was being hurried out as she had to catch a plane. Noah, you're the man! You got to have an intimate conversation with her. Well done! The people who remained at the stage door had better luck than those of us in the reception, I think. While those of us in the reception just got pictures with her, those at the door were able to get pictures and autographs. I'm jealous, Jamie! :-) But, nevertheless, it was amazing (despite the rain), and she was gracious with everyone, as always.
Oh, and a cute little story she told...she said that she loves Boston and that her nephew had gone to school there and told her to look for the swan boats in the lake. But, they drained the pond, so she had to settle for the duck truck. It was a cute little story. Anyway, I think that is the gist of the afternoon. It was truly fun and the concert was incredible. I had a great time meeting all of you and I look forward to seeing you at future events and speaking more with you on the board!
| GraceAnne Registered User
Registered: 5/20/2004
From: New York, NY | posted: 4/3/2005 at 10:44:42 PM ET ANH, thank you!!!
noah details about the "intimate conversation" pretty please!
| BroadwayFan Registered User
Registered: 4/3/2005
From: Boston | posted: 4/3/2005 at 10:59:13 PM ET The show was amazing!!
I had a great seat and was able to get her autograph, take a picture with her, and ask her a few questions after the show at the stage door.
I have spoken with her before in NYC after "Gypsy" and "Annie Get Your Gun" and I am always amazed at how nice she is to her fans who are at the stage door. She is a Broadway legend who owns every song she performs. I live in Boston and can't wait for her next visit to the city or her next show on Broadway!!
| Sister Rose Registered User
Registered: 5/4/2004
From: NYC | posted: 4/3/2005 at 11:16:52 PM ET OMG. This was an unforgettable day. PA Fan and I can't remeber the song order either. My face hurts from smiling so much. Waiting w/ all of you pre-show was so much fun too - great laughs. It was fun hearing a few members of the orchestra coming out and saying to us "she's awesome!". She sang all of my fave songs except Some People but I don't care and I'm not complaining. And best of all I finally got to meet her and she shook my hand! No picture but Noah will confirm. She said the pilot taping went great. We told her that it was great hearing her voice at wall to wall. She is so sweet and so beautiful in person. She wore a very sparkly dress that had a dramatic slit up the skirt (she mentioned her beads and that she always dresses that way in the afternoon). The audience was really into it and very appreciative and it was obvious that she was touched. When she spoke of gypsy a guy yelled out "you were robbed" and noah added "so very much" and she laughed and said that its not about winning prizes. She was totally there and completely owned the afternoon. She said that she was out in the rain today and her hair got frizzy. (One week until I see her in Houston - who else is going?).
"Anyone who stays home is DEAD!"
| Jamie Registered User
Registered: 7/12/2004
From: Massachusetts | posted: 4/3/2005 at 11:24:52 PM ET I'm still getting over this amazing afternoon! I don't have much time to post (since I have to go to school tomorrow ) but here is the concert order (I think it's pretty much accurate):
Let Me Entertain You
No One Is Alone
There Is Nothing Like A Dame
The Gentlman Is A Dope
I'm Flying
Unexpected Song
Mr. Snow
Time Heals Everything
Not A Day Goes By
Some Enchanted Evening
You Could Drive A Person Crazy
My Romance
The Way You Look Tonight
With So LIttle To Be Sure Of
Children Will Listen
Move On
Being Alive
Rose's Turn
Count Your Blessings
I will write more later but at this time, I am just still in awe of my autograph and picture with her! 
"Not a day goes by..."
| Carolyn Registered User
Registered: 1/20/2005
From: Mississippi | posted: 4/3/2005 at 11:46:23 PM ET I'm going to the concert in Houston on Sunday. My sister and I are staying in the hotel right across the street from Jones Hall. How I wish she were staying there and we would see her. I'm so excited because it will be my first time to see her in person. We're planning on going to the stage door after the concert. I'm so nervous about that..Can anybody tell me what I should say or ask? Ususally, how long do we wait before she comes out? Is two items too many to ask her to sign? Anyway,I'm asking too many questions. I'm just counting the days.
| Sister Rose Registered User
Registered: 5/4/2004
From: NYC | posted: 4/3/2005 at 11:53:47 PM ET OMG. This was an unforgettable day. PA Fan and I can't remeber the song order either. My face hurts from smiling so much. Waiting w/ all of you pre-show was so much fun too - great laughs. It was fun hearing a few members of the orchestra coming out and saying to us "she's awesome!". She sang all of my fave songs except Some People but I don't care and I'm not complaining. And best of all I finally got to meet her and she shook my hand! No picture but Noah will confirm. She said the pilot taping went great. We told her that it was great hearing her voice at wall to wall. She is so sweet and so beautiful in person. She wore a very sparkly dress that had a dramatic slit up the skirt (she mentioned her beads and that she always dresses that way in the afternoon). The audience was really into it and very appreciative and it was obvious that she was touched. When she spoke of gypsy a guy yelled out "you were robbed" and noah added "so very much" and she laughed and said that its not about winning prizes. She was totally there and completely owned the afternoon. She said that she was out in the rain today and her hair got frizzy. (One week until I see her in Houston - who else is going?).
"Anyone who stays home is DEAD!"
| Chip1012 Registered User
Registered: 7/13/2003
From: Boston | posted: 4/4/2005 at 12:06:53 AM ET Hi Everyone!!!
OH MY GOD no words to describe today!!!!
my convo with Queen BP went something like this:
Me: Hi Bernadette!
B: Hi!
Me: I'm Noah, we met a few times last year
B: Oh, yes, where are you at school again?
Me: (I told her, and most of you know, but we realized today there are many lurkers out there who don't post but just read our convos, so I don't want to say..oh anyway lol) Today was *mumble mumble mumble* (I don't remember what I said, something like amazing, incredible, life changing, life affirming...etc.)
B: My nephew went there!
Me: Yes, I've met him before.
So, you NEED to be Mrs. Lovitt in the Sweeney Revival!
B: Haha, oh the movie?
Me: No, the revival
B: There's gonna be a revival? (She didn't know!)
Me: Yes you would be so fantastic. How did the filming go in LA?
B: It went really well
Me: This is Sarah (Sister Rose) and we were at Wall to Wall Sondheim and it was so wonderful to hear you over the sattelite radio
B: Oh, it came in clearly? You could hear me?
Me: Yes, it was great. Thank you so much for today
and then she was pulled away.
And I heard that when she went out the stage door to greet fans she was still holding the flowers I gave her.
I will post more as soon as I come down from this high i'm on! (a natural high mind you )
And Jean, I did that something special and will contact you about it soon!
"Anything you do
let it come from you-
then it will be new."
~Sunday in the Park with George
| GraceAnne Registered User
Registered: 5/20/2004
From: New York, NY | posted: 4/4/2005 at 12:08:58 AM ET awww, thanks noah and everyone! i love these reports! 
can we get pics if any of you have them?
| Jamie Registered User
Registered: 7/12/2004
From: Massachusetts | posted: 4/4/2005 at 7:34:31 AM ET So I am still getting over yesterday's amazing experience...I have a lot of details so I might as well share with those of you were weren't (and some of you who were) there! haha. My seats were no one near as good as some of you others (grr) and my mom said that she had paid for better seats but we were in the left balcony...fortunately we could see enough of what was going on so that was good! When the Overture began I could not stop smiling! I have never seen Marvin Laird conduct and it was so interesting to watch him. After she finished "There is nothing like a dame" she explained, "After that song she explained, gthat was from South Pacific" and then she turned around and explained, gthis is my backh so people started screaming and clapping and she said, gnow, now, no need to applaud!h She told a really sweet story about Mary Martin before singing "I'm Flying" as well as mentioning her crying episode when she realized she couldn't fly as a little girl. "Unexpected Song" was just incredible, there are no other words to describe it! When she sang "Not A Day Goes By" I thought it was the best I have ever heard her sing it...seriously! When she said that "Being Alive" was her last song I was disappointed because I had wanted to hear "Rose's Turn" so I was so glad when she came back to the stage and started taking off her shoes and changing them for the song. It was too funny because while she was changing shoes, I could see her painted red toe nails from the balcony...these little red dots! hehe. She started talking about being 13 years old in Gypsy and how she always wanted to be Momma Rose, "the greatest role ever created in the greatest show ever created." And all of a sudden she says, gI made you! And you want to know why?! You want to know what I did it forch and then began to sing gRosefs Turnh with such anger/passion/spirit. It was simply amazing and when she came out to take her bows she said, gI keep looking behind me to see if there is something going on that you are all clapping about!h
It was so sweet and I ran out to the stage door afterwards. One of the girls behind me was so excited and kept saying, "even if I can just touch her, a lock of hair, or something!h The cops were horrendous though.... One was saying, gYou all have to get out of the streets! Get off the street or I will clear the sidewalks and none of you will see her!h so we finally all squished onto the sidewalk. Then mom told me that Bernadette was, indeed, coming out because someone had said inside that she was leaving the reception. They called her car to get ready and we all got excited. These old men pushed their ways to the front so they were in front of us and one woman was mad and said, glet the kids in fronth.
She finally came out after about an hour of waiting around and we all screamed. The old guys pushed in front but we finally got to her. I said, gBernadette, could you be in a picture with me please?h so we took a picture (I'll try to send it in here). One woman went to her and asked gWhere in Ozone Park did you grow uph and BP gave a little giggle but the woman said, gNo really, I grew up there too and went to school therech Apparently they went to school together and are both the same age. It was too funny (except then the woman asked me how old Bernadette is and what her maiden name is...)
So while she was talking, people were handing her programs to sign so she kind of took mine from me (I wasnft even really handing it to her) and she signed it for me!
Anywho, I have to run because I have class in about 30 seconds but I just wanted to write about that absolutely unforgettable day! I hope I didn't bore anyone!
"Not a day goes by..."
| Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 4/4/2005 at 8:09:21 AM ET Thanks, all, for the reports. You are expressing something that sometimes gets left out--and that is what an emotional experience her concert is.
So, you covered all bases, who was at the airport?
And who was at the hairdresser:
"HE COLORS HER WORLD If colorist Michael Casey does his job well the world never knows. But at the new ''color floor" at Salon Mario Russo Saturday, Casey's client Bernadette Peters attracted a lot of
attention. (Peters was pampered for her concert last night as part of the Bank of America Celebrity Series.) So what is Peters's hair color really? ''People think it's red, but it's more honey-colored.
Unless we're doing something for a character . . . like when she did ''Annie Get Your Gun." Casey said he travels to New York every couple of months to do hair. ''But I'll go anywhere for Bernadette," he said. ''I'm also a fan."
(boston globe, 4/4/05)
Looking forward to a few pictures.
| dulcinea4 Registered User
Registered: 5/13/2003
Fav. BP Song: MoveOn Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Bailey Lewis Fav. BP CD: Sondheim, Etc Live At Carnegie Hall
| posted: 4/4/2005 at 10:36:16 AM ET It's wonderful to read everyone's expereinces they've had when they've seen one of Bernadette's shows. Thanks to everyone for sharing!! It brings back my great memories all over again!! She is absolutely fabulous.
| ANH Registered User
Registered: 8/28/2004
From: Rhode Island
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Song: Unexpected Song
| posted: 4/4/2005 at 12:40:35 PM ET Oh Jamie, you captured the day exactly! I forgot about the "This is my back" comment until this morning and I was going to get on and post it, but now I don't have to! :-)
The day was truly exciting. And Sister Rose is right, waiting at the stage door with everyone before hand was tons of fun, even though the security guard was wicked cranky. Oh well. It makes for a good story.
But if any of you who didn't get to go to this concert have the opportunity to go in the future, DO IT! Sell your souls if you have to! Hee hee. No, but really, it was amazing. She sounded great. It was literally the best I have EVER heard her.
In fact, I'm thinking about buying a ticket (if any are left) for some of her future concert dates in PA and NY. Anyone else going to those or interested in going?
If I remember anything else about yesterday (as my emotions calm down and I settle back into reality) I will post them here.
Oh, and for those of you who are planning on meeting her at the stage door at the Houston concert, it usually takes her about 40 minutes to an hour to come out (at least that has been my experience) and she is very gracious about pictures and autographs. As for asking her to sign two things, I suppose it depends on how many people are waiting and if she has to catch a plane or not. Anyone else have a suggestion about this?
Anyway, sorry to ramble.
Ashley Hover
| BroadwayAllie Registered User
Registered: 9/20/2004
From: MA | posted: 4/4/2005 at 2:37:05 PM ET Hi guys,
I loved reading everyone's account of the show, helped me re-live the day. The concert was absolutely amazing as everyone else said. I don't think I can add much to the descriptions already given, just that I was on the edge of my seat the whole show with my mouth wide open. Fever was incredible and Roses Turn was absolutely explosive. Truely a memorable evening. I was sorry I didn't get to meet some of you before the show, but I was at the stage door after the show and got an autograph and picture and she REMEMBERED ME from the BCEFA Flea Market this year. I almost passed out! Anyhoo, I have a bunch of pics that I'll post as soon as I scan them. Two during her final bow and 2 at the stage door. Take care!
Allie =)
| GYPSY1527 Registered User
Registered: 2/20/2004
From: New Jersey
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Dot Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Ect.
| posted: 4/4/2005 at 2:49:54 PM ET Just thought I'd put my two cents in! Basically my review would be the same as everyone elses! Wonderful concert and she was just phenomenal. Highlight for me was Rose's Turn, No one is Alone, Being Alive, Move On and Children will listen. My most favorite song from the concert had to be Rose's Turn!!! I has been waiting for that moment the entire concert and practically fainted when she put on that black sweater! On a side note, I was so happy to see Marvin conducting, I had almost forgot he is her musical director. Love that guy! Besides the concert, great to meet and see everyone (Chip, Sister Rose, PAFan, Karen, LaCageAuxBoy, Katie, Lindsay, and Jamie, Cutieoperaboy)
| Chip1012 Registered User
Registered: 7/13/2003
From: Boston | posted: 4/4/2005 at 4:11:14 PM ET my damn flash was off so it's not the best, but here is a picture Sister Rose took of me and BP:
"Anything you do
let it come from you-
then it will be new."
~Sunday in the Park with George
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