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Author | Topic: UCF goes to see GYPSY... |
UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/17/2003 at 11:28:42 AM ET Yes, finally. FINALLY. (Since moving here I was tempted numerous times by the student ticket prices, but I thought... no. I have a very expensive ticket. I will not go see Gypsy early and sit in the balcony. I will wait.) And I did. And it was SOOO worth it.
First, I get to the theatre, and I realize... I don't think I have never sat this close to a Broadway stage IN. MY. LIFE. I was first row, center. I turned around and looked at the sea of people filing in and thought, with no small amount of self-satisfaction... all those people wish they had my seat. LOL.
I watched the orchestra tuning up (one of my FAVORITE things to do at a show) and had a 30 second "hi, how do you do" conversation with one of the strings players. (How big of a dork am I?) The break room door was open (from the pit to the backstage area) and I watched all the performers scurrying past. Baby June and (what might have been) her dresser paused to look out at the audience, and then left. Then Baby Louise, the little Shakespeare boy with the skull, Clarinet Boy, a hollywood blonde in her white leotard, carrying a blonde wig, and yes, even Bernadette, who I only know by the flash of purple dress that skittered by.
The overture was fantastic. Marvin Laird is fabulous, and very animated when he conducts. He has a tremendous feel for music that you can see in his posture and the way that he commands the pit, and I can certainly see why Bernadette has tucked him away in her employ for so many years.
"Sing out Louise" got huge entrance applause, of course. What was funny was how startled everyone in my row looked, when they saw her walk up the aisle onto the stage. As if to say, "Hey. What the heck is that lady doing down...oh. OH!" (The people sitting next to me were completely unfamiliar with Gypsy itself, and had that reaction.)
The big numbers:
Two numbers I want to talk about before I talk about Rose's Turn.
Everything's Coming Up Roses and Some People. I feel as if these are two major MAJOR songs in this play, and they don't get enough recognition.
Bernadette was, of course, in top form. When she sang her first number (Some People) it was just tremendous. What's great about this number is that it really gives you a feel for who Rose is. And Bernadette commands the stage. She feels the lyrics; she doesn't just sing them.
The last few lines, "But not ROOOOOOOSSSSSEE..." was very powerful. I love how she stalks up front from the back of the stage, like a woman posessed. The demure purple dress ofset by the very unlady-like gleam in her eyes and unlady-like gait of her "stalk" is a brilliant tactical move. I commend Sam Mendes for all such little nuances.
Everything's Coming Up Roses:
Wow. I love this number. First, I loved the moment when Rose read June's farewell letter, and something in her died for the first time in the play. It was like the first inclination she got that something was wrong with the way she treated people. And for about 2 minutes, when Louise and Herbie were talking about the wedding, she was completely catatonic.
Bernadette does this part SO well.
First, it was the idea that June insinuated -- that Rose had driven her own daughter away. For a split second, you could SEE the realization in Rose's eyes, which was quickly replaced by supreme disbelief and non-comprehension. Herbie asked her to marry him and her mouth twisted with the attempt to hold back tears. She closed her eyes and tears began to trickle. Rose was so obviously not in that moment with Herbie; she was fighting for her strength and resolve, and my God, you SAW it in her face, her eyes. WOW.
Then the song... I think this is the number that initially blew us all away. The moment when Rose says, "I made her. And I can MAKE YOU," all you hear is this nervous murmur ripple through the audience. We are literally squirming. We are horrified for Louise. We are horrified for Herbie. And we are also horrified that we feel bad for Rose despite the fact that we know we shouldn't feel bad for Rose. Spectacular. The entire song.
Rose's Turn:
What can I say about this song that hasn't already been said? This number is pure Theatrical magic. And not because there are a hundred people dancing and singing a finale on stage, and not because there are lots of lights and special effects, but because this song is SO MUCH MORE than all that hoopah. And my God, it's only ONE person on stage.
Bernadette totally commands this show. She has a presence that fills the room. And she is completely in the moment, of the moment -- she IS the moment -- when she sings "Rose's Turn."
She IS Rose. She is a woman who has failed herself and is angry because Rose never fails at anything. She is bitter that she now has the all the fame she ever wanted and thus has nothing else to struggle for -- and realizes it was the struggle and dependency (of her daughters needing her) that she wanted more than the fame. She is jealous of Louise. She is jealous of June. She is angry, and feels that she was wronged, that she was abandoned.
And she horrifies us because, by god, we feel angry WITH her even though we've seen WHY all this has happened to her.
Then, around "Momma's moving on, Maaaa..." Bernadette starts LOSING it. In a good way. The spotlight changes color (BRILLIANT directorial move) which signifies the REAL Rose. In the end, the truth finally explodes up out of her, and she is screaming and laughing and crying all at the same time; she is insane with knowledge and regret. She is seeing herself for the first time and she cannot handle what she sees.
Absolutely fantastic. And then, she got an ovation that went on for a few minutes, and she deserved every second. I was so moved, I wanted to throw flowers up to her. (I didn't have any. But that's okay.)
Other things: Tammy Blanchard's singing has been improving. Her voice is even better than on the CD. Further, she seems very comfortable with all aspects of Louise. She was especially fun during the "Let me Entertain You" strip.
The "babies:" Wow. That Heather Tepe is going to have some career. That's all I gotta say about that.
John Dossett: The perfect Herbie. LOVED him. LOVED LOVED him. I only wish he had more to sing. His chemistry with Bernadette (and with Tammy) is great.
Tessie, Mazeppa, and Electra: Could you ASK for a better set of gals to be playing these parts? You Gotta Get a Gimmick was HYSTERICAL. Bliss, if you're out there, you were AMAZING last night. Top form. Loved every second of it.
The sets and costumes: I really love the "Broadway Play with music" as opposed to "Broadway musical" theme. The sets were sparse, so as to bring more attention to the performers themselves, and also to the idea that the musical was Vaudeville within Vaudeville, that Rose's whole life was this delusion she'd made up and believed, because she lied to herself so much.
I'd write more, but I've already written a book.
Much fun, much fun. An experience I will never forget.
Now, what about those student tickets?? 
"A pretty sunset, is there?" asked Nanny, coming up to the witch's room in one of her rare forays.
"She's sent the crows out to blind the guests coming for dinner," said Liir.
"Well, that's one way to avoid having to dust, I suppose."
---------> WICKED, the Prequel to THE WIZARD OF OZ (Gregory Maguire)
| SingOutAnnie Registered User
Registered: 8/23/2003
From: Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA | posted: 10/17/2003 at 11:49:42 AM ET LOVE hearing these "first-time" experiences!! Brings it all back.
It's been 2-1/2 months since my last viewing of "Gypsy," and I've gone through withdrawal symptoms a few times. This helps get me through to the next time.
UCFGuardgirl, I did not realize you had not seen it yet. I admire you for holding out for the great seat for so long!! Well worth the wait, no??
| moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 10/17/2003 at 2:58:04 PM ET Really exceptionally written review. I haven't been since early August and you made me miss it even more. Thanks.
| XoHollywoodSweeti9 Registered User
Registered: 3/3/2002
From: New Jersey | posted: 10/17/2003 at 3:31:53 PM ET Excellent review. I'm glad you had such an enjoyable time!! Haven't seen the show since June, and like everyone else, am in withdrawal (sp?).
| Karen Registered User
Registered: 5/3/2002 | posted: 10/17/2003 at 3:41:35 PM ET Great report. Just reading it is exhilarating. Thanks so much!
| UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/17/2003 at 4:14:32 PM ET Thanks, guys! I really did have a tremendous time. (Even though the evening was slightly spoiled in the end by the Yankee win... it's okay, the Marlins'll get 'em in the series. Can you tell I'm a disgruntled Met fan? lol)
More stuff that I remember (off the top of my head, from last night):
- someone asked awhile back if Bernadette normally "hummed to herself" while making her way back to the wall in Rose's Turn. Apparently, yes, she does. Because she did it last night.
I'm thinking the meaning of the humming is slightly symbolic.
Rose is A) fantasizing an orchestra is playing for her, when -- in the reality of the play -- there IS no orchestra. There is only Rose in an empty alley. So there she is, humming what the pit is playing because the orchestra isn't there; her grandeur is all in her head. She just doesn't realize that until the halfway point of the song.
(I LOOOOVEE dissecting Rose's Turn, in case you couldn't tell. hee.)
Also, B) Rose has gone back to an almost child-like state of denial at that point in the song. For that period while she makes her way, all sultry-like to the back wall, she's that pretty young kid again, that kid who never got the shot to be a star, but who is now getting what she feels has always been rightfully hers. La la la la...
- I was amazed at the detail-rich staging. I've seen versions of the original staging, and I love how it's been altered for the revival.
One of the best moves was having Bernadette on stage for all the children's musical numbers. It's haunting to watch her pantomime them. She's a constant presence on the stage, just as she is in the lives of her children. (Smothering.)
- The reprise of "Small World" had me nearly in tears. Anyone else have that same reaction?
Even though I KNEW why Herbie was leaving, my heart wrenched for Rose. Anyone else?
I felt she was a woman with so much love to give, and yet, was so misdirected in that love. Her love for theatre was synonymous with her love for everyone else; she could not fathom why these two loves could not coincide. It was so tragic, because the look on Bernadette's face when Herbie said he would leave was one of almost childlike astonishment. "Why does everyone leave me?" she asks. (And I can't imagine Ethel Merman doing this part any better, because the weight Bernadette gives that line, with her small, high voice-- higher than in the rest of the play -- is so effective.)
Sorry, but I am still excited, and it's the next day.
Anyone care to share their favorite GYPSY moments?
Rose: How dare you interrupt me when I am in the middle of a sentence?
Stage Manager: Madame Rose, you are ALWAYS in the middle of a sentence.
Louise: Besides, I have a doctor's appointment. I think I'm getting an ulcer.
Rose: The way I get treated around here? If there's anyone who should have an ulcer it's me.
Louise: If you want an ulcer, Mama, get one of your own. You can't have mine.
Rose: I just don't get it. Everyone has stomach trouble but me.
----- GYPSY
| SingOutAnnie Registered User
Registered: 8/23/2003
From: Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA | posted: 10/17/2003 at 4:34:08 PM ET "- The reprise of "Small World" had me nearly in tears. Anyone else have that same reaction? "
I was in tears for this scene when I had a really good seat (center about 5 rows back) and could really see Bernadette's face and her tears. She really seemed to FEEL the pain of the moment, and so did I. I was really into that scene.
Everyone who loves this show should try to see it from a closeup seat.
Oh, no!! I'm feeling withdrawal again. Gotta go home and get a Tony "Rose's Turn" fix!!!
| Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/17/2003 at 7:46:54 PM ET I did see the show recently while Maureen Moore was playing Rose, but I haven't seen Bernadette (or the entire original cast in their original roles) since July 5th.
That review was one of the most well written reviews I have ever seen. You should seriously consider submitting some reviews to a newspaper or magazine and try getting a job with them.
I have seen the show about 9 times, and I still cry during the reprise of "Small World." lol I can't help it. I always want to go up on stage and give her a big hug and tell her it will all be ok; but then I realize that Rose is just a character. LOL
| BP Broadway Diva Registered User
Registered: 2/19/2003
From: NJ
Fav. BP Song: Rose's Turn Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Rose Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Etc
| posted: 10/17/2003 at 10:48:58 PM ET I would just like to say that this post made my whole day! What an amazing review for the show and Bernadette! You got me so much more excited about when I go see Gypsy on November 8th! (anyone else gonna be there that day) I have a front row center seat also! I am so excited and I'm sure I'll be speechless when it's over. When I first saw Gypsy I was hysterical crying because Bernadette was just so amazing and I was so thrilled to be apart of that audience. I just couldn't help myself it was the best day of my entire life!
"Here she is Boys...Here she is World...Here's Rose!!!"
| UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/17/2003 at 11:02:58 PM ET Aw, thank you Christine! I think it's all that creative writing training. I am naturally long-winded and expository. It's part of my charm. lol.
Although, honestly, I think I am in serious trouble because now that I have seen it once, I am going to break my bank account trying to figure ways to see it again. *sigh*
BTW, I love reading everyone else's personal reviews of the show, so if you've got one, post it! I think the most exciting time for an actor-focused message board is when the actor does live theatre. You're sure to get a "stage" report at least once a week by someone.
Rose: How dare you interrupt me when I am in the middle of a sentence?
Stage Manager: Madame Rose, you are ALWAYS in the middle of a sentence.
----- GYPSY
| BrOaDwAy18 Registered User
Registered: 7/24/2003 | posted: 10/17/2003 at 11:58:42 PM ET I'm so happy you loved the show and had a good time UCF. I waited until September 22 for front row for the same reasons you waited, and yeah, it was definitely worth it! In a lot of Broadway shows with a lot of performers it doesn't matter if you can really see their faces, but with Bernadette it's sooo incredible to watch her face and her eyes cuz she's reeaally acting. I also thought that Everything's Comin Up Roses was brilliant, well, every song she does in the show is brilliant, but that stood out for me as well. And I also loved how she moves downstage at the end of Some People. Rose's Turn needs no extra words lol it speaks for itself. But one thing I remember that I loved that Bernadette did at the show I saw was in Together Wherever We Go. After Tammy and John threw the little pan things (what you would call them I have no clue) but after they hit the ground they kept spinning and clanging for quite some time. Bernadette stood and listened with the rest of us and as the spinning winded down moved her head around in circles in time with the sound they made with wide eyes and a smirk. It was so funny. Absolutely adorable! And that's one of my favorite things about what Bernadette brings to the character. She gives her such a sweet and loving side that she's never had before. It's wonderful to watch.
So anyway quick question now that I'm done rambling...when you get tickets for the show on the day of the show, can you go right to the Shubert box office and get them or do you have to go to that TICKETS place in Times Square? Anybody have any suggestions for buying tix the day of the show? I'm gonna be in the city in a few weeks and I have to go back to see it again! 
UCF ~ find someone who'll give you your own column! You write beautifully!
| MsPetersFan1 Registered User
Registered: 6/25/2002
From: Long Island, New York & Boston, | posted: 10/18/2003 at 3:57:35 PM ET I've bought tickets the day of the show. Usually I went to the theatre around 9/9:30 just to make sure I'd be first in line (they open at 10) Usually there are seats left. Word of advice: Buy a SINGLE ticket. Both times I've gone and bought just one ticket I've been able to get 6th row orchestra seats. I highly recommend doing this!
~* Megan *~
| UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/19/2003 at 12:04:20 AM ET Good idea Megan.
But how much ARE these 6th row orchestra seats? 
I can't afford these cottonpickin' Broadway prices anymore. And student tickets are located in the balcony.
Rose: How dare you interrupt me when I am in the middle of a sentence?
Stage Manager: Madame Rose, you are ALWAYS in the middle of a sentence.
----- GYPSY
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