Topic Performance Sept 26 from the General Chit-Chat forum.
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Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 129.1.100.x | posted: 10/1/2003 at 9:12:38 AM ET I and a friend made a random trip to NYC and we saw Bernadette this past Friday. I have to say that this performance was AMAZING! I was little worried about her voice at first because it sounded like she was tired....but by the end she had me in tears. I couldn't believe how wonderful her turn on the character was. She brought so many pathos to the role!!
I stood outside of the stage door and got to meet the cast and Bernadette---I must say that John Dossett is the nicest man....and Tammy Blanchard was very kind as well. Bernadette was amazing as usual--very beautiful and friendly. If anyone else was at the same performance I'd be curious to hear your thoughts, especially about some of the technical boo boos that happened.
| moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 10/1/2003 at 10:22:59 AM ET Oh do share the technical boo boos. They are fun to hear about.
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 24.210.223.x | posted: 10/2/2003 at 9:46:26 PM ET Well the technical boo boos were mainly with the mics. The girl who was Electra--who mic wasn't even on and it was hard to hear her. Then there were several times that different mics went off and then came back on...Bernadette(was EVER SO AMAZING I Have to say again) kept messing with something in the back of her head. It looked like something to keep her hair up. But it kept coming loose and she kept trying to fix it. Also in ROSES TURN she got way ahead of the orchestra because she was so into it. Other than a few cell phones that was it. But it was a great show! Lots of energy.
| Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/2/2003 at 11:31:30 PM ET A few cell phones? I thought they were supposed to be cracking down on that and giving $50 fines for cell phones in the theater!?
I think it's so rude. What is so important (unless you're a doctor) that you can't leave your phone off for 2 or 3 hours!
| StinKerRoadMann Registered User
Registered: 8/7/2003 | posted: 10/2/2003 at 11:55:24 PM ET Yeah there's nothing that important unless you're either waiting for an organ or you're the doctor that's going to be putting it in. People need to get over themselves and realize that everyone else spent the same money so they deserve to NOT have their performance interrupted.
| UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/3/2003 at 2:24:11 AM ET Oh no -- I've got a better story.
I don't know if any of you have seen Mamma Mia, but if you haven't, I have to preface this story with the fact that I suppose people get very... into the show. What I mean by that is the whole show is ABBA music, so it ends up sort of like an ABBA concert.
Within reason, of course -- it's still a Broadway musical.
At any rate, people usually don't get nuts until the finale. But I went a few weeks back (not the time I was with you, Christine, but a different time) and the show was sold out. About 2 rows behind me sat a group of women who were so completely trashed I'm surprised they were able to hold themselves up. I mean, they were sloshed. Completely gone. The entire show they kept screaming things out like, "You go with your bad self, I know what you mean, those men, they suck," or "You sing it woman, sing it and don't listen to him!" or, during the wedding sequence, "Oh my God, look at that woman's hat! Look at her hat! What the hell is wrong with her hat?"
The whole freaking show.
And when I say yelling, I mean YELLING. Not to mention trying to start an audience clap for every song (completely off tempo, first of all, and the only ones clapping, second of all.) Several people (including myself) kept turning around to do the "maybe if I glare at you long enough you'll shut the hell up" thing. But they didn't. And there was no usher intervention. That pissed me off more than anything.
So this went on the whole first act. THEN, intermission, and all five of these idiot women go to the bar (like really, they need to be going to the bar at this point?) and come back with drinks -- plenty of time for the second act. And even during intermission, they are the loudest people in the entire Winter Garden Theatre.
So the overture for the second act begins and ends, and then the second act actually starts, and a man and woman in the same row as the drunkards come back late to their seats.
So the drunks, sitting with their drinks in hand(that they're not even supposed to HAVE at their seats; don't ask me how they got the drinks past the usher -- probably for the same bizarre reasons they didn't get kicked out during the first act.) Anyway, so this couple is quietly trying to get past them to their seats. And so what do you think the drunkards started saying?
They shouted (over and over, all through 'Rescue Me')--
"Jesus Christ. We are trying to watch a SHOW HERE!!! Did you ever in your life? Some people can be so rude."
I kid you not.
A mere cell phone ring or two would have been pleasant compared to that train wreck.
Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.
-- Live with Regis
| SingOutAnnie Registered User
Registered: 8/23/2003
From: Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA | posted: 10/3/2003 at 9:22:55 AM ET Urrrrgggggghhhhh.
Gawd, sometimes I just think stocks in the public square should be resurrected for some such offensive, rude people.
They just got no couth.
I too would have been pissed that the management did nothing. I would have wanted my money back if they didn't throw those obnoxious women out. They sound like they were blotto enough to be arrested for public drunkenness.
My first-ever trip to New York last June:
I have a great seat for a matinee of "Two at Five" (a one-woman stage play, mind you) about six feet from the stage, and this woman across the aisle from me starts to open a bottle of cough syrup or some such, crinkling the plastic covering, then clicking, clicking, clicking the childproof cap. And the idiot thinks this is not loud, that no one else can hear it. A woman behind me tried twice to tell her to stop. And it threw Kate Mulgrew off at one point, she paused and looked at the stupid woman. I missed hearing a funny line because of her. Cripes!!
That night I went to "Long Day's Journey," and three guys who spoke some Eastern Europe or Middle Eastern language sat in front of me, and the one directly in front of me had THE biggest head in the theatre -- the most enormous head that he would move from one side to the other about every one to two minutes. I spent the entire FOUR-HOUR play bent forward with my head almost on the seatbacks, leaning on my knees to peek between the shoulders of two of these guys because of this bighead guy (of course, then obscuring the view of the person behind me and having to move my head). But the worst of it was that fathead SLEPT through almost ALL of the play!!! I could see his eyes close. Through both the second and third acts (they came back from both intermissions late, of course), his big damn head was on his chest, sleeping. But, because of the angle, his head was still in my way. Why do these people go to the theater??? Stay home and watch Joe Millionaire or some such crap. As I said earlier...
| hutchandsuch103 Registered User
Registered: 7/28/2003
From: washington, dc | posted: 10/3/2003 at 2:09:34 PM ET when i saw gypsy it sucked because the whole curtain scene after rose's turn was ruined. this girl's cellphone went off like right during the middle of it and not only was it loud she kept really loudly going "sh*t, sh*t, sh*t" and all of her friends were looking disgusted. it pissed me off but i think she was upset too, so its okay. i guess
damn, she's cool.
| Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/3/2003 at 6:19:23 PM ET If I was at Mamma Mia with those drunk women I would have gotten up and said something to an usher or manager. I would not pay those prices to have to listen to crap that I have to hear when going to a movie. In fact, I don't even put up with it in movie theaters. Where most people will do the "turn and glare" thing (lol I'm guilty of doing that to an extent), I will actually get up and say something to the people...and if they still don't stop I get up and tell an employee.
This one time I had gone to the movies with my friends (I remember we went to see "Get Over It"), and it was I guess a Saturday afternoon, and the movie theater was pretty empty. Well, this old woman comes in with a young boy (really, the movie was not appropriate for his age), and sits DIRECTLY behind us. hundreds of seats, and she has to sit behind us. Not only that, she had the nerve to ask my very tall friend to move down b/c they couldn't see. He didn't want to, but I was nice and said, "It's no big deal, just move down one seat."
Well, niceness sure doesn't pay off sometimes b/c this woman proceeded to narrate the entire movie to this kid b/c he didn't understand what was going on.
I actually got up at one point, walked all the way around so that I was in their aisle, and I leaned over to them and said, "Excuse me, but I paid just as much money as you to see this movie. In fact, probably more considering I don't get a senior discount. My friend was kind enough to move so that you could see...even though there were many other places you could have sat, and you have the nerve to talk throughout the entire movie, thereby ruining it for the rest of us around you. Now please SHUT UP, or I will get the manager."
Needless to say, her jaw dropped. lol
| UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/6/2003 at 12:06:59 AM ET LOL, Christine. Sometimes, you are my hero.
I suppose I would have said something, but you run into two problems at the theatre.
A) If I got up during the first act not only do I have to get up and sacrifice my enjoyment, but I piss off everyone I have to step over in my row to get to the aisle and the usher. I decided it wasn't worth it; I'm used to tuning things out.
B) I spent most of intermission talking to a very nice couple behind me, and by the time the second act came around I had nearly forgotten about the drunkards. And of course, once the second act had already started, I ran into the problem from *A*.
Ah well. No matter. I took my sister to see it today, and had no problems. 
We went out to wait by the stage door and met everyone, and talked with everyone. Louise, of course, looked fantastic (black blouse, black pants, cute long black coat with a fur collar, and cute black lidded hat.) I swear to God, that woman looks better than I do, and she's more than twice my age! But she was very nice and signed my sister's program and talked with all of us about the show and how she's leaving (only one week!!! AHHHH!!) and how she's looking forward to concerts and doing new things. Such a wonderful, genuine, (TALENTED!) grounded person.
--- Must be INSANE, and thinking about getting 20$ standing room tickets on the 19th just to see Louise's last performance.
Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.
-- Live with Regis
| Krissiekins02 Registered User
Registered: 8/18/2003 | posted: 10/6/2003 at 4:30:42 PM ET It's not really a technical boo boo, but its another woeful tale of rude people.
This summer, as I've said before, I went with 30 people from my school to NY for a theatre trip.
The first night we were there we saw Blue Man Group, and it all went off with out a hitch...not that it would matter if it did. ANYWAY...
The second night, after walking like 14 blocks to Rent b/c my group was too cheap to get a Taxi, I collapse into my seat and start flipping through my program and massaging my horrendously sore feet. I'm gabbing with friends and talking about how excited we are to finally be seeing Rent and to finally be at the theatre none the less. The lights blink, and being a responsible and curteous Drama Kid, I shut up quickly, put my foot back on the floor (it was in my lap) and put my program under my seat. Well, no more than 5 minutes into the show (right around the Answering Machine Message from Mark's mom) this couple comes walking in and sit in the two empty seats next to me.
All is good through the first two songs or so...and then a stroke of BRILLIANCE hit these folks and they realize what Rent's about. I hear the woman give a disgusted snort and whisper something to her husband. I don't think anything of it and go back to watching the show. 10 minutes later the guy in front of me turns around to me and is like "Hey, could you stop kicking my seat?". I just looked at him and i was like "Okay?" and then realized my feet were curled up under me and there was no way I was kicking his seat.
So we get to about the time of Today For You Tomorrow For Me (I can't remember the real name of the song at the moment) and the dude turns around again and he's like "Would you stop kicking my f-ing seat" and I was like "it's NOT me!" (in a very hushed whisper of course). I slump back in my seat, angry at the fact that this dude keeps yelling at me and I look to my right and see that the couple to my right are all but having sex in the chairs. My eyes went wide and I smacked my friend next to me and gestured at them...I don't think the lady could have gotten more of her tongue in the guy's mouth...and vice versa. At one point a kiss was exchanged between either Angel and Collins or Maureen and JoAnn and the lady extracts her tounge from his throat long enough to very loudly say "OH MY GOD. Did they REALLY just do that?" and then resume making out.
The show continues. I'm absorbed in the show, crying, laughing, and forcing myself NOT to sing along. Over the Moon rolls around...and I feel something on my leg. I moved my leg over to avoid whatever it was and the thing followed me. So I look down...and its the woman's foot. Rubbing up and down my leg. I pretty much sat ontop of my friend after that.
Act 1 ends, and the couple leaves (after a couple more derogatory remarks being said really loud about the show...) for intermission. The guy in front of me turns around an apologizes for yelling at me b/c it was her that was kicking his seat...and this gay couple next to him (they were infront of Mr. and Mrs. Disgustington) turn around and go "Honey, I don't know how and the world you sat next to that. Dear GOD lets pray for your sake they don't come back"...
And they didn't. Thank the lord cause I think I would have had to slap the woman if she'd commented about anything else or I would have had to break her leg if she rubbed her foot on me again...
| Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/7/2003 at 3:34:47 PM ET I don't mean to laugh, but that was really funny (the way you told the story, not the actual details of it).
I just can't get over how people act sometimes; it makes me sick.
Not that this has to do with theatre...though I was coming from the theater...The other night (after seeing Gypsy), I went uptown to get my car and then I was driving my friend home to New Jersey; we were heading towards Central Park West (coming from Riverside Drive), and we were at a red light in front of a hotel. Well, while we're sitting there, my friend looks out the window to her right and says, "Oh My GOD!" Of course I had to look, and what do I see...a man and woman having sex right in front of the hotel, where many people were still walking around! As my jaw drops in astonishment, I see him slip money into her hand, and then she slipped the money into her purse! Now I'm not stupid; I know there is prostitution in NYC (and everywhere for that matter), but it wasn't even 12 o'clock and these people were doing this in front of a very busy hotel. At least have the curtosy to get a room! I would love to know where the police were; probably eating donuts and posing for pictures with tourists in Times Square.
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