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Brandon29 Registered User
Registered: 6/13/2003
From: Brooklyn, NY | posted: 2/10/2004 at 1:40:42 PM ET Ladies and gentleman, I regret to inform you about last night's performance of GYPSY. I had a fron trow seat of the mezzanine, and a beautiful view of the stage. And then Bernadette Peters walked on to the stage...
And gave the best performance of her life! I kid you not... I have seen the show three times, but last night was PHENOMENAL! (Did I trick you all into thinking it was bad?). The entire cast was totally on! Tammy was never better. In fact, I usually am not really that impressed by her, but that changed last night. John was especially great, and in the scene where he explodes at Rose as he is leaving her, he was so strong and forceful that Bernadette literally looked shocked, and back away in fear. My friend that made me go to the show last night had never seen it before. I was so excited for her to see it, and in such great seats... she called me today, still in awe. We agree that we will never see ANYTHING like this on Broadway again. EVERYTHING'S COMING UP ROSES was astonishing! The audience was cokmpletely taken back and there was a thunderous applause as the curtain fell. Marvin and the orchestra sounded beautiful as always. And then, ROSE'S TURN. I don't even know what to say. Bernadette totally let loose (as she has been doing more and more) and there are no words to describe what happened on stage during that number. At the end, the audience rose to their feet, in an ovation lasting well over two minutes. She stopped the show, and there wasn't a dry eye in the crowd. Bernadette especially id a lot more crying in the show than I have seen before. She had so much power in her voice and her lines, especially in ROSES TURN with the line.. "Everything's coming up Rose..." I have never heard so much power in a voice, fueled by so much emotion. Ladies and Gents, a living legend!
RobRamos Registered User
Registered: 4/1/2003 | posted: 2/10/2004 at 2:14:28 PM ET Great post, Brandon! I have spoken to two people who have seen the show numerous times, both of whom admit that Bernadette and the entire company have been truly ASTONISHING lately, pushing the show to even greater heights as it plays out the end of the run. I am sure that these final performances will continue to be electrifying. It's very exciting, despite to closing, to know that these incredible performers are so-reinvigorated, after having performed it over 300 times.
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 199.89.64.x | posted: 2/10/2004 at 3:18:55 PM ET I have been checking this board out from time-to-time because I am such a fan of Bernadette's. I felt the need to post a reply because I have seen the show 4 times and last night was BY FAR THE BEST!!! I agree whole-heartedly with the assessment of "Everything's Coming Up Roses" and "Rose's Turn"---Bernadette got an ovation before Tammy came out to finish the scene, and seemed genuinely moved by it. And by the way, the seats in the orchestra were full (not sure about mezz and balcony)!! Afterwards, waiting outside, a couple of cast members commented on "how great the house was" that night!! Bernadette took the time to chat and sign stuff and take pictures for everyone who waited!!
I just felt the need to point out how phenomenal it was and encourage everyone to get there one last time!!
SingOutAnnie Registered User
Registered: 8/23/2003
From: Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA | posted: 2/10/2004 at 4:59:23 PM ET Oh, my. I have a ticket for the last night. But after reading this...geez, I don't know now if I can wait!!
Great post.
"She's the magic, she's like light." --Tammy Blanchard
"I think if there is one uniting thing at our theatre, it's our love of Bernadette." -- John Dossett
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 199.89.64.x | posted: 2/10/2004 at 5:29:46 PM ET In recapping the show last night, I realized I left out one thing. The scene in between "Louise's Strip" and "Rose's Turn" when Louise tells Rose she needs to let go---intense is the only way to describe it (people were gasping behind me). Tammy was fabulous in it (the hurt and anger were so apparent)--and Bernadette's reaction was so great to watch.
And--I thought the new Electra did a great job. She had some tough shoes to fill!!
Brandon29 Registered User
Registered: 6/13/2003
From: Brooklyn, NY | posted: 2/10/2004 at 5:59:39 PM ET Yes, the new Electra did do a great job! I miss Julie, but this girl is fabulous too!! Agreed that Tammy was wonderful in that scene. I picked the perfect night! I hope I get another chance to see this "marvel!"
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 64.12.96.x | posted: 2/10/2004 at 7:32:23 PM ET I am very sad to say that I will not get to see this show. I am going to be in New York on March 13 and we were going to see the show. I was so excited to see it and get to meet my idol...I am greatly dissapointed that I will not get to see the show of the century. I would REALLY like to know if I can get a DVD or a Video of it...do they sell those? I love Bernadette Peters and wish with all of my heart that a miracle would happen so I can fufill one of my greatest dreams.
childactress Registered User
Registered: 2/10/2004 | posted: 2/10/2004 at 8:03:56 PM ET I didn't get to see Gypsy! I'm so mad. I was just dying to. There was supposed to be auditions for baby Louise (i was gonna try out) on sunday, but it had to get cancelled. Ah well! LOL
PA Fan Registered User
Registered: 11/6/2003 | posted: 2/11/2004 at 4:57:34 PM ET I was also at the show Monday night. I absolutely agree with the comments made by Brandon & Anonymous about Monday's performance. Brandon's post was exactly what i would have said if I could describe things like him. It's the 5th time I've seen it and BP and the cast just get better and better each time.
From what I could tell from my seat in orchestra the balcony & mezzanine were not entirely full, but you would not have known it because of the very enthusiastic audience response.
When BP came out and signed autographs she was bundled up as if she were heading to the North Pole! I love the hat!
Beachy Registered User
Registered: 2/10/2004 | posted: 2/11/2004 at 5:10:01 PM ET PA fan--loved the hat and the ugg boats!!
We were probably standing next to each other!!
bliss Registered User
Registered: 4/5/2003 | posted: 2/11/2004 at 5:19:03 PM ET first of all...bernadette is the most amazing person ever...secondly...thank you all for your support and keep it up...tell everyone you know to come see us as it is what a broadway star and show are all about...this is just stunning...thanks again
jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 2/11/2004 at 10:23:13 PM ET Brandon-
Thank you for that great report. What a treat!
Brandon29 Registered User
Registered: 6/13/2003
From: Brooklyn, NY | posted: 2/11/2004 at 10:40:20 PM ET I'm going to cry, I love you guys! BERNADETTE 4 PREZ!! (BLISS FOR VICE!!)
*Leonie12* Temporarily Disabled Account
Registered: 3/18/2005
From: USA | posted: 5/1/2005 at 11:01:43 AM ET Good article, Brandon29! Love the way you described Bernadette's shocked look, HILARIOUS! Has anybody seen the movie 'Gypsy' starring Rosalind Russell, Natilie Wood, and Karl Malden? That's hilarious too! I never got to see 'Gypsy', but I did see it at Broadway Palm. Fantastic! BP didn't play 'Rose', it wasn't the NYC cast, but it was still BRILLIANT!!!! Brandon29, hope we can stay in touch. You can e-mail me anytime you want. See ya!
BP's the gal to always love, no matter what!
Chip1012 Registered User
Registered: 7/13/2003
From: Boston | posted: 5/1/2005 at 5:45:41 PM ET Oh. My. God. (Feel free to back me up, board-ers)
"and this is my back." - Bernadette turning around to take a drink of water. 4/3/05, Symphony Hall-legendary.
PATTY Registered User
Registered: 3/1/2003
From: tonawanda,n.y. | posted: 5/2/2005 at 10:15:52 PM ET Chip- backing you up 100 fold with:Sweet Mother Mary and all the angels and saints! I'm weeping in my pillow crying "how long will it last!?"
To the loveliest lady of song!
You will keep on giving me joy forever...
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