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Topic: Audition for INTO THE WOODS

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AuthorTopic:   Audition for INTO THE WOODS
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posted: 1/10/2005 at 3:34:14 PM ET
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I am auditioning for Into the Woods with hope that I get cast as The Witch or the Bakers Wife, preferably The Witch... although I'd be happy as any of the female roles really cuz it's my favorite musical.

I need to audition with one ballad and one upbeat song and a monologue.

I have my monologue set up... it's a 2 minute comedic monologue that i am really comfortable with and have done before on multiple occasions.
I'm looking for a ballad and an upbeat song. What would you all recommend? I was considering to do "Children Will Listen" as a ballad and maybe something from Gypsy like "Some People" for an upbeat one... but you are all experts and I know can probably help me.

Thanks if you do.

btw, i'm a 17 year old female who has a range of 3 notes less than 4 octaves. from a low d below middle c to a really high a 3 octaves above middle c. i am most comfortable singing mezzo and belting however but can sing a lot, from sondheim to pop and coloratura (wow... definitely wrong spelling)

Thanks again!

"It was like being high when you reach those high notes."
~Bernadette Peters

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Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA
posted: 1/11/2005 at 8:32:03 AM ET
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Can't help you, but wish you much luck.
I envy you. KICK BUTT!!

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New Jersey

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Dot
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Ect.

posted: 1/11/2005 at 8:41:42 AM ET
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If you don't mind me asking, where is this audition? The reason I'm asking is because I'll also be trying out for Into The Woods in my town of Chatham, NJ. I'll be singing "Little Lamb" for a ballad and "One Brick at a time" from Barnum as an uptempo..cause I love that song! Anyways, good luck and hopefully we aren't trying out for the same show!

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posted: 1/11/2005 at 9:52:11 PM ET
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No, GYPSY1527... we're not auditioning for the same show. hehe. that would have been funny.

"It was like being high when you reach those high notes."
~Bernadette Peters

Anonymous Poster

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posted: 1/21/2005 at 11:13:34 PM ET
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never sing a song from the musical you are auditioning for.

Anonymous Poster

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posted: 1/22/2005 at 2:36:39 AM ET
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Sorry if this is a stupid question but why shouldn't you sing a song from the show you are auditioning for?

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posted: 1/22/2005 at 4:11:17 PM ET
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Yeah, I've heard that too. I think at least part of the reasoning is that you want your song to stand out and to interest the people you are auditioning for, and if they hear the same song over and over they're likely to not pay as much attention. That being said, singing a song that is attatched to another singer, like "Somewhere Over the Rainbow", for example, is also not a good idea, because try as you might, and I'm sure you're a great singer, it's hard to top Judy Garland. And so the people watching will be hard-pressed to hear that song and not compare you to Judy Garland.

JMHO, however.

Break a leg!

"Theatre is life; film is art; television is furniture."

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posted: 1/22/2005 at 5:32:56 PM ET
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Thank you for the advice.
I talked with several people, directors and my choir director and all agree that I should sing "Children Will Listen" and "Some People."

I've heard not to sing a song from the show at an audition before, but honestly, if I can do it and do it really well, why not? I really want the role of 'The Witch'. It's a sensational dream role for me. It's really deep and great and I am so in-love with Into The Woods (one of my all-time fave musicals and first broadway show that i saw when i moved here to nj 3 years ago-> but that's another story-haha)!

I just hope I can do it justice if I get it.

Now I need to find a better monologue cuz the one i planned on using really isn't good enough for it... i need something richer and more sarcastic and stuff... if anyone has any ideas please help. I would reeeeaaallly appreciate it, greatly.

"It was like being high when you reach those high notes."
~Bernadette Peters

Anonymous Poster

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posted: 1/23/2005 at 11:04:58 AM ET
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you also shouldn't sing a song from a musical because the director might have a certain vision for the part and then if you go and sing it you might not fit their ideal, automatically ruining your chances of getting the part. if you sing something else you leave it to the imagination what you could do and that is always intriguing... but if you can sing children will listen... and in my opinion, i'm not trying to be mean or rude here but when i've auditioned for shows or casted them the people who sing from the shows seem cocky (not saying that you are by any means, i know you aren't you are really cool mamarose but watch out of that predisposition).

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posted: 1/23/2005 at 2:53:12 PM ET
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Thank you for the advice Anon and everyone. I'll consider it all greatly before i go in for my audition.

if anyone has any monologue suggestions, please do help.

"It was like being high when you reach those high notes."
~Bernadette Peters

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posted: 1/30/2005 at 11:00:05 PM ET
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I know this is a late reply...but...maybe I'll help...
YES YES YES sing a song from the show!! Honestly from the professional auditions I've been at and from things that working actors on B-way have told me is that unless it says otherwise it's ok to sing a song from the show! I've won some great parts doing that very thing! So I say go for it!!! Those are two very good selections. Yes the director may have an ideal in his or her head...but you could help change that...they could hear you sing the song and think WOW THAT'S A DIFFERENT SPIN ON THAT CHARACTER--I CAN TOTALLY SEE HER DOING THIS ROLE! or WOW THAT'S A GIRL WITH GREAT POTENTIAL IN THIS ROLE...I DON'T THINK I WANT TO TAKE THINGS THE WAY SHE DID...HOWEVER I LIKE SOME OF WHAT SHE DID AND I'M SURE SHE CAN BE MOLDED. Break a leg!!!

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posted: 1/31/2005 at 7:07:50 PM ET
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thanks soooo much... i will do that cuteopraboi!

auditions have been postponed. the director's sick. i duno when it'll be but i have more time to prepare!

"It was like being high when you reach those high notes."
~Bernadette Peters

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Northern Louisiana
posted: 5/21/2013 at 7:57:08 PM ET
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Great ideas for a song! I just stumbled on this thread while looking for good auditions songs for this exact role I'm auditioning for! I'm very familiar with both songs and I can't imagine not thinking of these when they were right in front of my face.


Broadway Baby <3

Anonymous Poster

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posted: 9/2/2016 at 10:09:03 PM ET
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So, I know it's too late to be of any help in your audition process, but the reason you should never sing a song from the musical you audition for is because then the casting directors may not be able to visualize you as any other character, which would be a problem if they find someone more suited to the role but would still like to cast you elsewhere in the show.

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