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Rose Registered User
Registered: 9/28/2003
From: NY
Fav. BP Song: No One Is Alone and Some People Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Rose/The Witch Fav. BP CD: Gypsy
| posted: 11/20/2003 at 12:22:26 AM ET I don't understand the end when George goes back to the island and Dot is there? Can someone please explain it.
| BroadwayBabyGal Registered User
Registered: 5/8/2003 | posted: 11/20/2003 at 11:18:17 AM ET I don't really understand it either. I think it can be interpreted however you want it to. I think of it as her spirit.
| moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 11/20/2003 at 11:38:38 AM ET It is meant to show George going back to the island where is ancestors lived/worked/played to get in touch with his past and understand his future and his purpose in life better. Since about 100 years have passed since all those people were alive, they are definitely what I would classify as ghosts or spirits as Jessica said.
| BB05 Registered User
Registered: 7/9/2003 | posted: 11/21/2003 at 9:36:18 PM ET I've understood it that George (the great-grandson)is resolving the feelings of George (the great-grandfather) who died all too quickly and left his ... I can't find a good word for it...feelings, but more than that, Ah! I have it...his personal growth was cut short and then was completed in his great grandson. I know it sounds strange, but it's how I understand it...George did die alone and when his great grandson came back to La Grande Jatte, his last living relative had died and his friend was abandoning the project. I think he also needed to understand that he was connected to something. I don't know if this is what Sondheim was after, but that's what I understood.
| BrOaDwAy18 Registered User
Registered: 7/24/2003 | posted: 11/22/2003 at 10:29:20 PM ET I think I recall Bernadette saying something like Dot learns about "moving on" and comes back and teaches George that. You have to completely be open to the whole unrealisticness (is that a word lol) of it or it doesn't make sense. I dunno...that's one interpretation. It can definitely be taken a million different ways.
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