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UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/8/2003 at 1:50:45 PM ET To clarify (because I think there was some concern, and I wouldn't want to offend anyone with my last post) the post wasn't directed at anyone in particular.
Also, what I meant by the intern comment was NOT that I know lots of stuff about interning in the industry, but basically that we can all make "connections." That there are people who you would never think of to ask who know things, and people who you would think of to ask who might not know as much. I'm not saying you should actually go and ASK or SEEK OUT people(I don't believe in invading the privacy of others), but I'm saying that everyone has the ability to network and make connections, and make themselves knowledgable, so it's not like someone who "knows" something has done anything the rest of us aren't capable of. Like I said, nobody is better than anyone else.
By the second part of my post, I just meant that we come here because we love Bernadette for her work, not because we want bragging rights to knowing a celebrity, or bragging rights to knowing as much personal info as we can about a celebrity. What does it matter if her husband uses a cane? Not knowing every little tidbit about her isn't going to make us person any less of a fan. We're all here for the same reason; we go to see Gypsy for the sheer joy of those 2 hours in the theatre, not because we're desperate to go backstage afterwards. That shouldn't be what it's about. At least, it isn't for me. But I can't speak for everyone.
So if I have offended anyone with either of my posts, or if my posts were misunderstood, I apologize.
Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.
-- Live with Regis
Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/8/2003 at 2:21:17 PM ET lol Jaime, we should get your cousin that you were speaking about to handle this situation. Just kidding b/c I know who her cousin is.
I think we should just agree to disagree and leave it at that. I'm not about to start defending myself against what what said about me or to me in the last couple of posts, because it just ends up being a waste of time and energy.
I didn't think my one little reaction (meaning my not thinking it was appropraite to ask why Michael uses a cane) was going to set people off. I'm sorry.
For the record, I have never claimed to be an authority on anyone but myself. Yes, sometimes I have "insider information", but it's not like other people don't have the same info as I do. In the entertainment industry, "Insider Information" pretty much just means info that hasn't been released to the press yet. It doesn't mean only one or two people know about it.
BroadwayBaby123 Registered User
Registered: 6/25/2003 | posted: 10/8/2003 at 6:40:29 PM ET I am trying REALLY HARD to have some self control here for the sake of Kevin wanting to keep the peace, but my GOD that last post irritated me!
Okay, first of all..who CARES that you know who Jaime's cousin is? That is not pertinent to the situation at all. The only reason you said that is so that everyone will know that you somehow know a celebrity.
Second of all, we all know what inside information is, so you don't need to clarify it for those of us who sadly don't live in the exclusive celebrity-filled world that you obviously think you do. If it was so casual for you to be friends with celebrities because they are "just normal people" and you were so concerned with keeping their private life a secret, you wouldn't nonchanlantly just throw in comments about how you were in the VIP section or how you get inside information because you work in "the industry". PUH-LEEZE.
OKAY. Done. Sorry if that was really harsh.
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 24.187.183.x | posted: 10/8/2003 at 7:28:07 PM ET broadwaybaby, i couldnt of said it better myself.. thank you thank you thank you..
Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/8/2003 at 11:21:52 PM ET HAHAHAHAHA Thanks, I haven't laughed that hard in a while. I needed that.
I didn't say I know Jaime's cousin; I said I know who she is. There is a huge difference!
That comment was meant as light-hearted humor because what Jaime's cousin does for a living was relevant to the ridiculous bickering that has been going on here.
I really don't care if anyone here knows who I know. If I really wanted to name drop, I could.
Also, I never said (at least not on any message board) that I worked in the Entertainment Industry, even though I did. Which leads me to believe that someone either told you what I told her in a PM, or she actually showed you the PM.
but my GOD that last post irritated me!
Now you know how I feel about ALL of your posts!
StinKerRoadMann Registered User
Registered: 8/7/2003 | posted: 10/8/2003 at 11:26:39 PM ET Lol, Christine, not to be cheesy but here goes ... "i couldnt of said it better myself.. thank you thank you thank you.." LOL
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 24.187.183.x | posted: 10/8/2003 at 11:36:16 PM ET Are you mocking my posts?
UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/9/2003 at 1:03:21 AM ET Just one last thing...
I would never share private messages or conversations with outside parties (so you know, Christine -- and anyone else who corresponds with me.)
Also, Christine and I are friendly off board, so any comment she may have made about my cousin was made in a friendly joking manner, (directed for my ears, mainly, and no one else's, because only I would have gotten the joke) and because I had brought up my cousin in conversation once. She wasn't trying to make anyone feel bad. And I apologize if anyone felt excluded from the joke. It's my fault for even mentioning my cousin in the first place. I was just making an example. It was, perhaps, in poor taste.
Second... maybe we should close this thread? I think we're all fun, well-meaning people at heart, and I think we're better than some silly fight. So why not get back to topic?
Bernadette's new highlights: yay or nay?

Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.
-- Live with Regis
Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/9/2003 at 1:18:27 AM ET She got new highlights? I must be oblivious. lol Then again, I haven't seen her since the flea market.
UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/9/2003 at 1:27:08 AM ET Actually, I think they were before the flea market (right before THE VIEW, actually) and I'm still undecided. Do I like the new highlights and the shorter length, or do I prefer it the way it was before? I think I am just very partial to her long hair. If I hd hair like that, it would be down to my ass. (LOL. Imagine how hard that would be to maintain!)
Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.
-- Live with Regis
StinKerRoadMann Registered User
Registered: 8/7/2003 | posted: 10/9/2003 at 1:36:34 AM ET Long curly hair is pretty hard to maintain at times, trust me. Last year my hair was down to the small of my back almost and I got so fed p that I got it cut up to my shoulders. They donated it to th Locks of Love thing though so that was a fun thing to be a part of.
Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 10/9/2003 at 1:40:22 AM ET I did notice that she had cut it, but I didn't notice the highlights. I kind of like the longer hair, but there's something cute about the new cut.
I think it would be interesting to see her cut her hair right below her shoulders, and dye it a dark color! LOL I'm sure that will not happen anytime soon, but it would cause quite a frenzy.
UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 10/9/2003 at 9:44:34 AM ET Or dyed it black in a fit of insanity, perhaps? (Could you just IMAGINE??)
Sort of like Jeanine Garafalo. Her hair? White blonde now, and spiked from her ears. It looks sort of like the singer Pink, but just woken up. Bizarre. Jeanine Garafalo's hair was almost black, and it was always just past shoulder length. Amazing what a difference a new hairstyle makes. It doesn't even look like her!
Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.
-- Live with Regis
moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 10/9/2003 at 10:56:11 AM ET Ahhhhhh. We are back to discussing her hair. I'm so glad things have returned to a happier normal.
StinKerRoadMann Registered User
Registered: 8/7/2003 | posted: 10/9/2003 at 12:22:34 PM ET I'd love to see her with a rich chocolatey brown perhaps. It would be interesting.
moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 10/9/2003 at 1:20:24 PM ET I actually really like her color and I think it goes very well with her skin tone. I'm glad they modeled her wig color in Gypsy after her every day color. That first ugly white blonde wig they had her in was just awful unless this was a new Gypsy where Rose came back from the dead to haunt her girls. I think a brown would wash her out and make her appear older but maybe if it was just the right brown. And I'm glad she left her blonde days behind.
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