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Topic: The Next Dream

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AuthorTopic:   The Next Dream
Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:
posted: 6/22/2002 at 1:35:15 PM ET
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I am looking for a song called
'The Next Dream'. It was sung
by Bernadette Peters several years ago on a show called
'Carol Burnet and Friends'. I
have attempted several searches for this song over the years, and have been unable to locate the song on any of her albums. If anyone knows where I might be able to
find this song sung by Bernadette Peters, I would appreciate a reply. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:
posted: 6/23/2002 at 4:01:55 AM ET
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You keep asking everyone about this, but I really don't think it was ever recorded for public purchase. I know which song and which show you're talking about, but I think it was just done once (for that show).


Registered User


posted: 6/23/2002 at 6:51:26 AM ET
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yes, i've got that show on my bernadette compilation video. i think it was written for her on that show, its not from a show or anything. i love it too, i keep singing it!

they say bernadette's wonderful
xx Jenny xx

Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:
posted: 6/23/2002 at 2:06:45 PM ET
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    You keep asking everyone about this, but I really don't think it was ever recorded for public purchase. I know which song and which show you're talking about, but I think it was just done once (for that show).

So, does anyone know if or where I can get a copy of the
show in which she sings that song?


Registered User


posted: 6/24/2002 at 12:42:22 PM ET
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sorry, just tryin to help.

they say bernadette's wonderful
xx Jenny xx

Registered User

posted: 6/24/2002 at 1:13:40 PM ET
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There may be other ways, but the only way that I know to obtain a copy of the skit in which she sings that song is to purchase the compilation videos that a guy named Jeff Barnholdt sells. His email address is I bought them and they're fantastic! In my opinion they're an absolute must for Bernadette Peters fans and apparently he sells videos featuring other celebrities as well which are also probably good.

Anonymous Poster

From Internet Network:
posted: 6/24/2002 at 3:24:25 PM ET
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    There may be other ways, but the only way that I know to obtain a copy of the skit in which she sings that song is to purchase the compilation videos that a guy named Jeff Barnholdt sells. His email address is I bought them and they're fantastic! In my opinion they're an absolute must for Bernadette Peters fans and apparently he sells videos featuring other celebrities as well which are also probably good.

I'd like some more information
regarding the Bernadette Peters compilation videos.
Could you tell me if there is a website address for the person who sells them?

What is the title or volume of
the video on which the song
'The Next Dream' appears?

What is the cost of the video,
including shipping?

How long does it take to receive an order?

What is the return policy if it is defective?

Thank you for the anformation you have supplied. If you could reply to my other questions, I would appreciate it.

Registered User

posted: 6/24/2002 at 3:58:40 PM ET
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I'm not an expert on this but here's my experience: I bought them through an auction he held on ebay, which I think he does periodically. There are two videos each containing a couple of hours of material taped from television broadcasts from the 1970s through the 1990s. At one time he had a website at think). I'm not sure if he still does. They used to cost between $20 and $25 but I don't know if that price is still current. That's really all I know. You should probably try and contact him directly for more concrete information.

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