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Topic: Saw Gypsy!

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AuthorTopic:   Saw Gypsy!
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posted: 7/16/2003 at 11:35:01 PM ET
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I just saw Gypsy in NYC, and overall, I was mostly impressed with Bernadette's performance. She brings so many new things to the character, and she does is beautifully. There were some things she said and did that made me die laughing (even though I can practically recite the show word for word). "Rose's Turn" When she said, "Here she is boys, here she is world, here's Rose!" I got chills. I LOVED "Rose's Turn." The whole entire song was just amazing. And to think that it took one petite woman on that stage to bring the whole audience to their feet! When she sang, "Everything's coming up Rose! Everything's coming up roses! This time for me!" my legs were actually shaking. It was one of those show where you feel the emotions of the characters (in my case, I felt like Rose). After the show I got her autograph and she took a picture with me. Bernadette is so sweet! I couldn't believe that I was actually talking to her, and it didn't hit me until several hours later that I had actually met Bernadette Peters. She's just so kind and well, NORMAL that I didn't realize who I was actually speaking to. It was my first time seeing Bernadette perform live and the first time I have ever seen a Broadway show (New York is pretty faring from Boring~ville where I live. lol). That was an incredible night...just wonderful! Sorry that I keep going on and on! It was just so great! BROADWAY WAS GREAT! Just going down the street and seeing all the marquees and the lights was amazing. Yes, this was also my very first time in New York. Well, just thought I'd share my experience!


Here she is boys, here she is world, here's ROSE!

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Long Island, New York & Boston,
posted: 7/16/2003 at 11:38:10 PM ET
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It's wonderful to hear that you had a great time! Welcome to the board.

~* Megan *~

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posted: 7/16/2003 at 11:39:34 PM ET
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Thats amazing that you got to meet her! I'm going to see the show in 2 weeks for the 2nd time, and since its a matinee, unfortuantly, she probably won't come outside afterwards. However, my mom's friend is an aquantence of our highness and is trying to get my name of the backstage pass list...I'm gonna try not to get my hopes up because it may not be possible for her to do it...but wow, if I did, I could die the next day and life would have been wonderful, (all 17 years of it).
Just over a month until the cast recording is released!!! I own 3 Gypsy recordings (Merman, Lansbury, and Middler) and obviously Bernadettes is bound to be the DEFINATIVE record of this incredible musical.

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posted: 7/16/2003 at 11:39:47 PM ET
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Nice to hear you enjoyed the show. Welcome to the board

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posted: 7/17/2003 at 12:29:05 AM ET
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So glad you had a great time and thanks for sharing!

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