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AuthorTopic:   Back from NY
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Dallas, Texas

Fav. BP Song: Not a Day Goes By
Fav. BP Show: Sunday in the Park...
Fav. BP Character: Dot in SITPWG
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim, Etc.

posted: 7/6/2003 at 3:31:28 PM ET
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I just got back from NY. I had to get up at 3:30 in the morning to catch my flight and I am running on fumes right now!!! I have to say that Thursday night (July 3rd) was the night I saw Gypsy and oh what an experience it was. Bernadette gave another thrilling performance that resulted in an extended standing ovation following Rose's Turn. She brought the house down. Joel Grey and Neil Patrick Harris were also in attendance. I was a little upset with one thing----nothing to do with the show or performances, though. I sat in front of a lady and her two children (young kids probably 5 and 10 years old). Before the show started the kids were very vocal about how they did NOT want to be there. I think they had just gotten the tickets (probably through the cancellation line). THe mother had this loud booming voice (very similar to Rosie Perez) and spent the whole performance disciplining her children. They never shut up! I asked her nicely during Act I to stop talking, and another person in my row also explained to her that talking during a Broadway performance was not appropriate. That did not stop her! During the second act three people from different rows all "SHHHHHHH'ed" her at the same time. SHe didn't get the message. I hate to vent so much about this, but it really upset me that every time I was getting into the show (you know that special moment when it feels like your mind has left your body and you are just elevated by what you are seeing)----everytime I would become involved emotionally with the characters----the talking would start, my concentration would become interrupted, and I would find myself very frustrated. Again--sorry to vent---just had to get that off my shoulders.
THe man sitting next to me was a New Yorker who had been to every Broadway mounting of Gypsy including Merman (whom he saw when he was a teen). He told me that this mounting was by far the best. He loved Bernadette's vulnerablilty, sexiness, and how she gets the audience to sympathize with her and her situation. I couldn't agree more! It was amazing (except for the mouthy people behind me). I can't wait to see it again. I hope they record this one eventually for PBS. I will keep my fingers crossed. I am tired now---I need to take a nap! Please excuse spelling/grammar mistakes...I am too tired to proof read this post. I just hope it makes sense the way it is!!!

mrbig from big d

"No matter what you say, Children Will Listen..."

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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/6/2003 at 3:38:18 PM ET
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i am so glad you had a good time...that stinks about the people in front of you though. the lady next to me insisted on singing every song..very was ridiculous! i wish people had more common sense really makes me mad. oh well, atleast she didnt sing for rose's turn...she just hummed that one! GRRR

anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

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Long Island, New York & Boston,
posted: 7/6/2003 at 7:59:49 PM ET
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I know exactly how you feel, Brian. The last time I saw Gypsy was in April, a matinee show. Part of the reason I don't like going to matinees because there are more children there with their parents. The kids don't want to be there and they talk. The parents aren't much help either. Even the applause isn't as great. I like it when the audience is really really enthusiastic. But talking during a Broadway show is just wrong. Intermission is the time to do that.

~* Megan *~

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/6/2003 at 10:25:59 PM ET
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I saw the show last night and the girl in front of me had her hair in a messy bufant (sp?) on the top of her looked like a giant spider, and she kept bopping up and down and sideways every time a song would start.

There should be a rule that your hair can not be up high (or spiked too high for men) unless you are sitting in the last row!


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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/6/2003 at 10:32:25 PM ET
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haha i agree! you were there last night, too? well, never mind you already said that so i guess you were. cool!

anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/6/2003 at 10:44:28 PM ET
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LOL yeah, I was there with BwayBaby and Katie42. I thought I saw you at one point (I was going by the descrpition you gave of what you would be wearing). Did you have on a satiny blue dress (kind of long, but not to the floor), and your hair is short and brown? I was talking to some people, and then I saw you (or maybe it was someone else lol) walk by.
LOL I don't know your real name, and I wasn't about to yell out a computer name. hahaha


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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/6/2003 at 10:52:48 PM ET
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haha that is funny..yeah i was wearing a blue dress that kinda flared out and i had a black think it was me? i am really short. ha whatever...that would be cool though

anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/6/2003 at 10:59:10 PM ET
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LOL yup, I saw the black sash. It was definitely you that I saw. That was a very pretty dress by the way. You looked like you were about to come out of shock and scream with excitement at any minute. LOL


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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/6/2003 at 11:10:07 PM ET
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haha yeah i was so freaking great!!!! thank you about the dress! was it at intermission?

anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/6/2003 at 11:16:22 PM ET
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No, it was after the show. I was talking to someone who had seen the show that night that I hadn't seen for a while (I hadn't seen this person in a while I mean). We were standing talking for a minute before I had to leave, and I saw you (which at the time I wasn't positive if it was you). LOL

"Small world; isn't it?" hahaha


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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/6/2003 at 11:25:23 PM ET
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anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

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posted: 7/7/2003 at 10:07:04 AM ET
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The last time I went to see Gypsy (Time #7) there was an older woman who was sitting behind me who sang the entire "Some People". Then she stopped so I figured she got the idea but as soon as "Funny" she started again so I just had to turn around and ask her to stop. For the rest of act one she kicked the back of my chair.

During intermission I gave her a solid warning that it not not only disrespectful to her fellow audience members but to the cast. I then preceded to tell her that I would be sending her a bill for $101.25 if she didn't stop. That worked.


"To each his Dulcinea
That he alone can name..."

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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/7/2003 at 11:36:49 AM ET
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oh man that is really aggravating...Good job on getting her to stop!

anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

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New York City
posted: 7/7/2003 at 5:47:42 PM ET
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Krasm, you've seen the show *7* times?? Holy mackerel! That's a lot.

Frankly, I'm lucky I'm seeing it the one time.

Anyone else going to the show in October? We should all meet up. We could all get some Chinese food beforehand. (LOL)


"I'm not good I'm not bad I'm just right. I'm the witch; you're the world. I'm the hitch; I'm what no one believes, I'm the witch. You're all liars and thieves...oh, why bother?"
-- Into the Woods

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posted: 7/7/2003 at 9:58:26 PM ET
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I agree that talking during a performance, singing along, or making excessive mov't is really obnoxious and shouldnt have to be tolerated. However would you consider stretching your leg over the empty chair in front of you during intermission to be rude?? Just asking b/c my sister was stretching her leg for like two seconds during intermission over the chair in front of her (we were in balcony where the space is leg cramp this lady who was sitting nearby got all huffy about it. I was pretty embarrassed, but really was it that big of a deal??

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new orleans, LA
posted: 7/7/2003 at 10:16:51 PM ET
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it depends on the circumstances, in my opinion. like, i wouldnt notice it as a rude thing to do if i saw someone doing it.....but i wouldnt do it myself. i dont think it really matters. oh well haha

anything that leaves a footprint that large is no who

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