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sinne Registered User
Registered: 3/19/2003
From: Locality? O_o; | posted: 3/19/2003 at 9:23:31 PM ET I know I already posted this in a reply to 'American Idol', but read:
OH, IT WAS A SIGN FROM GOD, PEOPLE! I have to do a biography presentation for my Lit. class, but we have to have a book reference on whoever we do our presentation on, and I picked Bernadette, but I couldn't find a book on her! So, I was almost in tears (because it's due Monday) while I was talking to my mom, and then I looked up and saw her on American Idol and I was like, "IT'S A SIGN FROM GOD!"
So, tomorrow I'll spend twenty minutes begging my Literature teacher to let me do my biography presentation on Miss Peters. WISH ME LUCK!!
~ Sinne
"When you're dead, you're dead."
| mikee Registered User
Registered: 12/4/2002 | posted: 3/20/2003 at 12:49:08 AM ET Hey sinne.... I did a 10 page report on Bernadette 3 months ago so if you have any questions at all... Just let me know...
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