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Author | Topic: During the Gypsy Run |
Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 69.133.107.x | posted: 1/14/2004 at 8:03:11 PM ET
by the way...Bernadette is connection with her is something very personal to me, but she truly is ONE OF THE BEST people in the biz. She is a TRUE Broadway star--and there aren't many of those anymore...but she's the true definition of one by all means--and a down to earth, honest, and humble human being with not an ounze of vanity or pretention in her bones.
| Chiquita Registered User
Registered: 12/4/2003
From: Toronto | posted: 1/14/2004 at 8:13:55 PM ET I must say that these little chats are a great break from the crazy homework I'm doing right now!!
Point well taken. I realize broadway comes from years of hard work. Anywhere I can perform is fine by me. I must say though, the feeling on broadway is different simply because of the history and the number of theatres it has! I've worked in Theatre in Toronto before and I loved it. However, It's a different feeling. I guess because runs are never as long and people don't get to know eachother as much.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Now back to studying......
P.S. I've met Bernadette a few times and she does seem great and sincere. I like to think I'm good at seeing right through people, and from the little I have talked to her, she seems like the real thing!
You either got it, or you aint!
| BP Broadway Diva Registered User
Registered: 2/19/2003
From: NJ
Fav. BP Song: Rose's Turn Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Rose Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Etc
| posted: 1/14/2004 at 8:37:49 PM ET Anonymous, thank you so much for all of the information and advice! I have enjoyed reading all the posts. I also am an actress that has dreamed of being on Broadway. All of the info is greatly appreciated! 
"Once I was a I'm Miss Mazeppa...with my revolution in dance...!!!"
"If you'll just hold Chowsie for me-that's short for chow mein. Mommy just loves her chow mein, now doesn't she, Chowsie Wowsie?"
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 1/14/2004 at 9:37:47 PM ET Chiquita-I have a question for you. I'm not an actor,so my knowledge of such things is limited. How do Canadian actors get work in the States if they wish to work on Broadway,for instance? Is there a separate Equity for Canadian actors,or does Equity cover all of North America?
I remember several controversies involving actors from the United Kingdom,for example,when they were to transfer to Broadway with West End shows (Sarah Brightman,for example,in POTO,and I'm sure there are others,but that one first comes to mind.). However,those were European actors-I'm wondering if similar controversies would erupt with a Canadian-or Mexican-actor. I understand Britain has a separate union,of course (and I believe Andrew Lloyd Webber had to promise to cast an American in his next show on the West End. Can't remember if he actually did so-I guess that would have been Aspects of Love). From what I remember learning at the time,Equity (U.S.) stipulates that the actor needs to have "international status"-using the same example,Michael Crawford was deemed to have international status. Vanessa Redgrave would fall into the same category. I understand,of course, that Equity (U.S.)represents U.S. actors and wants them to get the jobs,which accounts for the protests.
I would go reread this section in Michael Walsh's ALW biography,but I have no idea where it is,since I haven't looked at it for years. I know he discusses the controversy at length.
Anonymous-I'd like to join your online admiration society here. I'm enjoying the posts as well. It's only a world I enjoy learning about-couldn't live it,since I have no performing talents! And your last post was lovely-Bernadette certainly is a unique and special woman. God bless her.
| Chiquita Registered User
Registered: 12/4/2003
From: Toronto | posted: 1/14/2004 at 11:00:50 PM ET Hi Jenn!!
Well let me just tell you that I have asked myself the same thing! I moved to NYC this summer thinking that I would take some dance and singing lessons and take in some auditions. I never thought that I would get hired, but I thought that I at least would be considered or even elegible! I ended up going to lots of great auditions and getting great responses but they all told me the same thing: "Go back to Toronto get your equity card and then come back. Also, you can somehow try to get a long term work visa (there are many ways to do this but they are all difficult)". - So, I was kind of dissapointed. There is supposed to be a reciprocal agreement with Equity between the US and Canada. So actors can technically work in both countries. However, it just depends. I would assume, and it makes sense, that if the talent level is equal, an american would get hired over a canadian in a B-way show.
Now, I have also heard stories of some of the bigger more influential B-way people being able to pull some strings and bring some Canadians over. But I guess they must have to be incredible! Also, many of my performing friends have been able to work it the states by doing TV and film, since so much if filmed in Canada now, and they have gotten their Actra and Equity status that way. However, they have been at this for years.
One thing that I have noticed is that, here, you have to be in Toronto to make things happen. I have had to put my aspirations on hold for a few years because I'm in University in a town a few hours away from the city. Therefore, I can't make it to auditions, or get the proper full-time training. I think one would have to decide what they want to focus on because you can't do both. I think ideally, for a Canadian, being in a theatre school in the city is the best option. That is actually what I plan to do after I get this degree. After being at all those auditions this summer I realized the calibur of people I was auditioning with and I know I have so much work to do.
Sorry for the long answer. I hope it helped. I definately don't pretend to know everything so if anyone has more info it would be greatly appreciated!
You either got it, or you aint!
| angelgrl9 Registered User
Registered: 2/16/2003 | posted: 1/15/2004 at 2:37:36 AM ET Chiquita~
i totally relate to loving theatre b/c of the family type relationships we aquire. right now, for instance, i think the cast i'm currently in rehearsals with hang out with each other more than we rehearse!
again, thank you so much for you wonderful insight. the more you describe the life, the more i realate to and the more i yern for it professionally.
it was also very nice to hear your thoughts about Bernadette.... though i've only met her at the stage door, i feel as Chiquita does.... that what you see is what you get, and that, too, adds to the hopes of a young broadway hopeful like myself, if that makes much sense at all.
| SingOutAnnie Registered User
Registered: 8/23/2003
From: Bradenton/Sarasota, FLA | posted: 1/15/2004 at 9:34:43 AM ET From Anon: "Bernadette is amazing...she truly is ONE OF THE BEST people in the biz. She is a TRUE Broadway star--and ...a down to earth, honest, and humble human being with not an ounze of vanity or pretention in her bones."
It is so great to hear this from people who have worked with Bernadette, confirming the impression she presents.
Beyond her amazing, wondrous talents and star quality, her genuine humanity and kindness are really why I find her so delightful and enchanting.
To me, that's why she stands out as a star.
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 1/15/2004 at 11:23:52 AM ET Chiquita-
Don't apologize for length! That was very enlightening. And I think you and the other young actors on this board are right to go on to higher education and training-all the playbills I have from recent shows show that many of the younger actors/actresses have college degrees from universities or conservatories/acting schools. That's just coming from a patron,so take it for what it is (I read every bio,including the swings. I love my playbills-happy memories. Can you believe people actually sell their playbills and programs? And good ones-like one from the original The King and I? I guess it is true that one man's trash is another man's treasure. I love the old playbills.). There are exceptions,I understand,of course. But education never hurt anyone.
Now-to the women on this board who are professionals or are aspiring professionals-I've noticed quite a few female performers refers to themselves as actors rather than actresses. Is the term actress becoming outdated?
To bring this somewhat back on topic-does anyone know if Bernadette refers to herself as an actor or actress? I really can't recall. Perhaps it's a generational thing (actor or actress)?
I'll shut up now.
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