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sara110 Registered User
Registered: 8/8/2009 | posted: 10/2/2009 at 3:08:48 AM ET The English translation of Cirque du Soleil is “Circus of the Sun”. This amazing production was born in 1984 for the 450th anniversary of the arrival of Jacques Cartier in Quebec, Canada by two ex-street performers, Guy Laliberté and Daniel Gauthier. The audience was delighted by the great diversity of elements of circus, opera, ballet, and rock music in the shows. The attention of the public was attracted by the contortionists, jugglers, feats of strength, clowns, and trapeze artists. The costumes are very different one another and create a great atmosphere. The distinction in the Cirque du Soleil show is that all music is played live.
Cirque du Soleil will perform one memorable show – La Nouba. It will held in the Downtown Disney West Side area at Walt Disney World Resort. Of English, La Nouba means "to party, to live it up”. It will be full of energy, multi-colored costumes and moving live music. In the performance participates more than 65 artists came from 15 different countries, international cast of acrobats, athletes and performance artists. Come to see the magic of the Cirque du Soleil, shows present in 22th, 28th September and 17th December.
In December 16, 2009 will be the premier of The Elvis Presley Projects. This project will include a lot of additions and shows, along with "Elvis Experiences". Cirque will take part too in this expected project.
In 26th December, Cirque du Soleil will weave the possible and the impossible with one production, "O". It will contain international cast of world-class acrobats, synchronized swimmers and divers. The characters will show their tricks in, on and above the water to make the audience believe that everything is possible.
For the serial time The Cirque du Soleil made unforgettable show in L.A. Proponents of the Cirque du Soleil proposal said that with this amazing performance they created more than 900 jobs at the theater and the Hollywood and Highland complex.
In 2008 for the "400e anniversaire de Quebec" was present concussive play. After this success in 2009 the legendary Cirque concludes an agreement with Quebec City. The contract reads that Cirque du Soleil will make free presentations of "Les chemins invisibles" (The invisible ways) for 5 years.
On April 19, 2007 was the premier of KOZZA show, another show which is part of Cirque du Soleil. The different in it was that the music was inspired by South Asian (Indian) sounds. The show was arranged by David Shiner. The same director worked as a clown in Cirque’s show of Nouvelle Expérience.
Grab your tickets to see the Cirque shows live in theatre.
| Jenni123 Registered User
Registered: 2/3/2010 | posted: 2/22/2010 at 2:42:16 AM ET I really enjoyed the show .It takes me to imaginative adventure of the mind. The tickets for Cirque du Soleil show were almost sold out but thankfully, I got my ticket at
Concert Tickets will link to
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