Topic Have you seen from the Theatre Chat forum.
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demeter Registered User
Registered: 7/16/2003
From: PA | posted: 5/15/2005 at 12:36:09 AM ET Celebration (written by the creators of Fanstics)
Bat Boy.
I was wondering if anyone has seen the first musical choice.
Because that and Bat Boy are the two choice for, my next college, auditions. The first one I have never heard of before.
I've seen Bat Boy but not the off Broadway version. (I do have the orginal cast recording. I love it.) My local Community Theatre did Bat Boy. I audition and weeks before the audition I got the CD and the scripit. I love it. It has a hidden meaning with in the show.
*Future Broadway Actress*
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 60.217.248.x | posted: 6/7/2010 at 7:12:09 PM ET
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