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Author | Topic: More input-Baltimore, Philadelphia, and Pittsburgh areas |
jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/4/2005 at 4:28:39 PM ET Any posters from those areas? I know we have several in MD, and there's PA Fan...
Good things, bad things? Love it, hate it....I'd like to know! Thank you.
| Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 12/4/2005 at 4:54:50 PM ET I moved to a suburb of Baltimore in 1967; I moved to Columbia, MD in 1975 and I'm still here. When I retired I could have moved almost anywhere but I chose to stay put. Temperate weather, can go from bay to mountains in a short drive, has fabulous theater and museums. I have, but no longer, grown a small vegetable garden with the best tomatoes and squash and basil you can imagine. Excellent health-care facilities very near, low crime rate in my county but quite high in Baltimore City, Washington DC and a near-by county.
The city where I live has 3 indoor pools, about 24 outdoor pools, 2 golf courses (I live on one), 3 full-service gyms, and 5 minutes away a 14-screen movie complex and a large middle to upscale mall. <--- that's what is attractive to me..
Traffic is quite bad, regardless of the hour.
The county where I live has one of the highest income levels in the US, also very high housing prices.
What else? I was born in Pittsburgh but remember almost nothing except for snow.
What else would you like to know?
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/4/2005 at 5:41:08 PM ET
quote: low crime rate in my county but quite high in Baltimore City, Washington DC and a near-by county.
Prince George's County?
Columbia is Howard County, yes? Actually, I'm looking at the counties in and around the areas, because most systems are county-wise (although in Philadelphia, there are many community libraries that are not part of the city system).
I don't think Queens is going to make my final list.
For some reason, I thought you were in the D.C. suburbs.
OK-I never thought of Howard Co., but I'm always ready to learn something. Is there a mix of age ranges that live there? Is the climate conservative or liberal? Mostly homes or are there apartments as well?
And hey, what about the library? Of course, a patron's perspective is different from a staffer's perspective, but I'm interested.
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/4/2005 at 5:58:47 PM ET Umm. I guess this answers my question about the county libraries.
Of course, people have issues with the HAPLR, but still. I'll have to see in which category the county is ranked.
95% have cards?! Are you one of them, Jean?
| Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 12/4/2005 at 6:15:27 PM ET I know very little about Howard County--probably most of Western HO Co is rural, eastern is quite developed. If I had to guess, I'd say the predominant housing is single-family and town houses (especially in Columbia), but there are a fair number of rentals, again in Columbia. I believe Ho Co consistently votes Democrat.
I haven't looked at demographics, but my sense is that the ages are weighted young. A lot of people have moved to Ho Co for the school system which is considered to one of the best in Maryland.
Oh yes I have my library card.
Census data for my zip code:
census 2000
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/5/2005 at 8:16:33 PM ET Thanks, Jean. Anyone else care to chime in? The more I learn about the Baltimore area, the more I'm seriously considering it, even more so than northern VA. It sounds like it has its own unique flavor, which I like in a city.
Anyone want to put in a good word for the Philadelphia area?
Do Baltimoreans (is that a word?) really call Baltimore "Charm City" or is that like New Orleanians calling New Orleans "The Big Easy" or New Yorkers calling their city "The Big Apple" in normal conversations? Which is to say, no?
| Mandy Registered User
Registered: 8/14/2003 | posted: 12/5/2005 at 8:36:27 PM ET I live north of Baltimore (about 30-40 minutes north of Jean) in Baltimore County but I work in Harford County. The closer you get to DC and northern VA, the more expensive it is going to be to live. I love where I live. It is right off of interstate 95, across the street from a pretty nice mall and only 5 minutes from the Baltimore Beltway. I agree with Jean too that in MD, while it is a small state, you can be in the mountains within 2 hours or to the beach in around 2 1/2. We have all kinds of weather but no real major weather threats (like hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes.) We sometimes get scaled down versions of these but they typically do not cause widespread damage. We have very definite seasons which is nice.
The city of Baltimore itself has pros and cons. It can be very dangerous and I think just ranked very high (#2 maybe) on the list of most dangerous cities in the US. We do now have a really nice theatre which is bringing in lots of tours. The Inner Harbor area is quite a nice tourist attraction with a nice aquarium and the Science Center. Two major sports teams (though I have to say both are lousy right about now.)
Medically speaking, I can think of no better area in which to live. Having used the services of Johns Hopkins MANY times, they are absolutely the best in many specialities. There are also a lot of other really good hospitals in Baltimore City/County.
I can also make day trips to NYC very easily as it is only a 3 hour drive. Where I am, I can be in DC in just over an hour but can also be in parts of Pennsylvania, Virginia, Delaware within an hour or so as well.
As for libraries, I cant help you much with that one.....
If you end up visiting, be sure to let some of us know!
"Let's admit one thing right upfront: With the possible exception of Bernadette Peters, not everyone stays young and cute forever." (NYPost 2/2/05)
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/5/2005 at 8:56:34 PM ET Mandy, I was hoping you'd post something. Thank you. My sister did an exchange semester at the University of Maryland-College Park and loved Maryland. Although she was closest to D.C., she did go to Baltimore and Annapolis several times and liked them very much. She was very excited when I told her I was considering a move to MD.
I know of dangerous cities-New Orleans has been ranked the most dangerous several times, and Houston is probably just as dangerous as Baltimore, if not more. I know to be careful.
Thank you, again, for your input! It won't be for a while-not until after the summer. The majority of my interviewing will be in June at the annual conference (in New Orleans!).
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/5/2005 at 9:23:56 PM ET OK-another quick question. says Anne Arundel County is in the "Baltimore metro area," but isn't Annapolis in Anne Arundel county? Or is it that the capital is not that far from the Baltimore area (suburban sprawl)? I'm looking at What's Up Annapolis's website and its theatre listings is listing a lot of stuff in D.C. Okay, so that's also not that far from D.C? Not that proximity to D.C. is my main focus, but it gives a perspective.
Off to find a decent online map.
And this is driving me crazy-how do you say Arundel? On which syllable is the accent? Is the A in Arundel short or long?
| moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 12/5/2005 at 9:31:33 PM ET It's short and the accent is on run.
Baltimore and Annapolis are VERY close to one another. Baltimore is much longer and Annapolis is considered part of the Baltimore Metro Area Keep in mind Baltimore can often be considered in the DC area. Maryland is a pretty small state.
"I'm one star away from Dolly Parton ... and Raymond Massey is between us. I hope we don't suffocate him." Bernadette Peters receiving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, April 24, 1987
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/5/2005 at 10:00:31 PM ET Oh, goodie. I was saying it right in my head. I would *hate* to have to change my pronunciation at this point.
I'm getting the point that MD is small. You, Jean, and Mandy just may have to pound it into my head a few more times.
I like the opening of your state song: quote: The despot's heel is on thy shore,
His torch is at thy temple door,
Avenge the patriotic gore
That flecked the streets of Baltimore,
And be the battle queen of yore,
Maryland! My Maryland!
Awesome! You know what Louisiana's state song is? "You Are My Sunshine." That's because a former governor wrote it. Talk about lame. There's also this: quote: Give me Louisiana,
The state where I was born
The state of snowy cotton,
The best I've ever known;
Bor-ing. Now Maryland's song-that gets your attention. Marylanders say, "We are not playing around."
Moljul, when I read the last verse of the state song quote: She is not dead, nor deaf, nor dumb-
Huzza! she burns the Northern scum!
It reminded me of The Emancipator's Wife-MD's Civil War history, of course, plays into the story. (And I'm guessing that when the occasion calls for the state song to be sung, the last part is omitted?) I see it was written in 1861. That explains a lot. Well, it explains everything.
My sister told me when she arrived at Maryland-College Park, she didn't understand why the bells would play "O Tannenbaum/O Christmas Tree" on occasion. One of her friends had to tell her that it was actually the state song they were playing!
Baltimore's under a snow advisory...and I was wearing shorts this weekend down here in Houston.
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 68.55.12.x | posted: 12/12/2005 at 8:37:05 PM ET Although it appears that you want Baltimore you should consider MOCO (Montgomery County) which is a suburb of DC and a pretty awesome place to live.
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 12/12/2005 at 8:40:21 PM ET Hello Emma. Montgomery County is definitely not out of the question. I am considering anything within the D.C.-Baltimore-Annapolis area. Not D.C. proper, though.
Northern VA too. Unsure about Philadelphia.
| jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 1/7/2006 at 9:00:23 PM ET Help me out, folks. Anyone know anything about Urbana, MD? It's in Frederick County. Located along Route 355?
Thanks so much. This may be a little too soon for what I was planning (wince).
But a really neat opportunity.
| moljul Registered User
Registered: 4/2/2001
From: New York
Fav. BP CD: I'll Be Your Baby Tonight Fav. BP Song: Dublin Lady
| posted: 1/7/2006 at 11:05:22 PM ET Jenn,
What do you want to know about Urbana? I lived in Frederick for 26 years minus 4 years for college. Urbana used to be a small farming town just outside of Frederick (heck Frederick used to be a large farming town) but since Frederick just keeps expanding and expanding any area around it is just another place to build housing. So if you live or work in Urbana, you are essentially living and working in the outskirts of Frederick. There isn't a lot in Urbana proper. Frederick has become a great place to live as it became a true bedroom community of D.C. and Baltimore (its a similar distance to each). A lot of people who work in DC, Montgomery County and the Baltimore Metro Area choose to live in Frederick to get a little more for their money and raise their kids just a little farther from the "big city". So its a big commuter town. Urbana is essentially on the way from Frederick to DC (along I-270) - just about 10 minutes down the road. E-mail me if you have any specific questions. I also know some people who used to work in the Frederick County Library System and School System and could put you in touch with them if you have some really specific questions.
"I'm one star away from Dolly Parton ... and Raymond Massey is between us. I hope we don't suffocate him." Bernadette Peters receiving her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, April 24, 1987
| Kevin Site Administrator
Registered: 11/19/2000
From: South Jersey
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim, Etc. Fav. BP Song: No One Is Alone
| posted: 1/8/2006 at 6:59:27 PM ET I've never cared for Philly much. Then again, I'm not a city person and would probably move as close to the Pinelands of NJ if I didn't have to commute. I guess that isn't so helpful 
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