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AuthorTopic:   HELP!
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New Jersey
posted: 9/15/2003 at 9:18:55 PM ET
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I need some help! We have this big HUGE portfolio to do, where we have to analyze things (such as songs) and I (stupidly) choose "Triumph" as my topic. I want to use a song Bernadette sang as my song, (I had my eyes on "Rose's Turn" but that really doesn't fit into my category).

Any suggestions?


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Long Island, New York & Boston,
posted: 9/15/2003 at 10:06:43 PM ET
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Actually I think Rose's Turn does fit exactly into that category. When Rose is singing she is finally able to understand why she did all the things she did and she comes to a self-realization about her life. So in a way she really does "triumph" over her own inner conflicts.

~* Megan *~

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posted: 9/15/2003 at 11:56:30 PM ET
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How 'bout Mr. Goldstone? Soooo just kidding! (it is a triumph song though)I think Rose's Turn is perfect because it goes in stages of development and at the end she is triumphant hence "Everythings coming up Rose!" Some People could also be considered triumphant as well. That's all I can think of now.

Bump it with a trumpet!

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New York City
posted: 9/16/2003 at 12:12:15 AM ET
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Agreed with Megan.

Rose's Turn is a great song for any topic because it is a musical nervous breakdown, so it is a song about a great many things -- plus, you can relate the lyrics to other ambitions besides show business.

'Rose's Turn' is about loss and anger and resentment and bitter realization, and yet -- in the end -- it is also about triumph, albeit a very hard, bitter, pathetic sort of triumph. In the larger sense, there is actually no triumph in this song -- we as the audience are meant to see that. But just as Rose finally sees all the qualities in herself that we have seen, that she, for years, refused to acknowledge, by the end of the song she forces herself to once again forget -- because seeing and fathoming herself for what she TRULY is will ultimately destroy her.

So the tragic irony in 'Rose's Turn' is that it is triumphant only for Rose, herself; throughout the course of the song she saw the truth and cared for only an instant, before her selfish inclinations took over. And in this way, she is triumphant; the truth once again becomes the lie. Because Rose needs the fight and the struggle to make herself feel alive, even her failures she sees as things she's beaten and overcome. The triumph is that Rose cannot be knocked down, while the tragedy is that everyone else knows she already has been.

Rose's Turn is a great, multi-layered, literary-styled song, and if I had to compare it to an actual piece of literature, I'd compare it to Dylan Thomas' "Rage Against the Dying of the Light." The overarching themes are very similar.

Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.

-- Live with Regis

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Brooklyn, NY
posted: 9/16/2003 at 2:37:03 AM ET
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How about MAKING LOVE ALONE? Haha.. JUST kidding!! Rose's Turn IS a fabulous choice. I have found that UNEXPECTED SONG can be used in almost any school report... lol... I couldn't tell you how often I have used that! SOME PEOPLE is a triumph as well.

*~When will it be Brandon's Turn?~*

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New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 9/16/2003 at 1:03:15 PM ET
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What about "Before the Parade Passes By" or "Hello, Dolly!" ?
Or "Don't Rain on My Parade"?
Maybe something from yentl?

lol I say this because I know Christa is also a Barbra fan, and she has sung many "Triumph" songs.


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New Jersey
posted: 9/16/2003 at 3:42:58 PM ET
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LOL Christine. Well, here's why I'm not

a) we had a mini portfolio freshman year (2 years ago) and I chose a Barbra song as well as something sung by Bernadette and
b)I'm using a Barbra movie

Ya see, we have to analyze a song, a movie and a tv show and tell how it fits into the theme I chose...

Thanks for the suggestions!!!


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posted: 9/16/2003 at 4:40:14 PM ET
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Christa, do you mind if i ask what the portfolio is for? Are you in college or a conservatory? I'm getting ready to graduate high school and apply to some lol so I was just curious as to what you were doing

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New Jersey
posted: 9/16/2003 at 7:02:46 PM ET
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Well, actually, I'm a junior in highschool. Our school has what is known as "the dreaded junior portfolio", and it involves 3 subjects: relgiion (I go to a Catholic school), english and US history. The religion part is what I need the song, movie and TV show for. I'm always trying to weave Bernadette into these big projects (and Barbra also lol), so I had Rose's Turn in mind for the portfolio months ago. All of the classes just found out what the themes are. We started this thing about 3 days ago, and it's due December 10. That's how big it is, and how important to our grade it .:bites nails:.

And UCFGuardgirl, would you mind if I used some of what you said in my analysis of the song? I'm thinking of just taking a part of it, and them taking off from their. It's very good, and all about my topis lol


Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 9/17/2003 at 2:10:05 PM ET
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I hate doing those long projects
LOL I remember I had to do a 10 page research paper about a year and a half or 2 years ago. Fortunately, we got to pick the I did one on Barbra Streisand being a pioneer for women in Hollywood as far as Directing and producing. It's much more fun when you know the subject well, and can write about it while actually knowing what you're talking about.
I was one of the very few people in the class to get an A. Do you know how difficult it is to get an A on a College Research paper! I should send it to you Christa. You would probably enjoy reading it. LOL


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posted: 9/17/2003 at 3:02:23 PM ET
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Wow! What fun material to write a research paper on. My last research paper was a 25 pager on Oregon's Death with Dignity Act for my upper level policy course. I had to include an annotated bibliography, and of course it had to be done in APA format. Why can't there be one standardized format to write a college paper? It makes me dizzy, and all the rules seem so technical and petty in my opinion. Anways, thats my rant on papers! You're very lucky to have the opportunity to write about something that is interesting and fun. Enjoy yourself!

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New Jersey
posted: 9/17/2003 at 3:27:59 PM ET
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LOL Christine you should send it to me! I'm sure I would love it, you know where to find me LOL.


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posted: 9/17/2003 at 3:46:00 PM ET
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Speaking of college research papers, you guys are a great bunch to ask for help!
I am taking a Mass Media and American Pop Culture class, and we have to write a 10 page research paper for it. It is a graduate course (I am a freshman undergrad) so the expectations are pretty high. I need help with the topic. It can be anything (within reason) that has to do with mass media or American Pop Cultre- TV, internet, etc. but should be pretty specific.
Any ideas? Thanks!!

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posted: 9/17/2003 at 4:25:22 PM ET
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Eek I remember the "dreaded Junior research paper". Mine was on Andrew Wyeth and Robert Frost. Fascinating stuff...
Kinda makes me think of the big AP Stastics projects we have to do this year - I'll have to find some way to tie Broadway into statistics!

:|: Amanda :|:

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 9/18/2003 at 12:24:11 AM ET
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Molly, what about "The Effects of Media and Pop Culture on Today's youth."
They did an entire news segment last week about how 8-14 year old girls are dressing like sluts because of the way pop singers dress, and how teen magazines advertise. The reporter asked one 11 years old girl why she dresses like that, and she said, "Because in my grade it's cool to dress like that. To wear short shorts and tight tops with sayings like Sexy and Boy Toy." I believe it was Fox 5 news if you want to email them for a transcript or tape of the segment (if you're interested in that topic). I'm sure there's also topics about it online.


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New York City
posted: 9/18/2003 at 9:42:38 AM ET
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Hey Hollywoodsweet -- I would have answered yesterday but I was swamped at work and exhausted and I didn't get home until late.

Of course you can use some of what I wrote! (Are you paying me royalties?? Just kidding. lol.) I was an english major and studied Lit and now I work in publishing, so the literary analysis side of EVERYTHING fascinates me. I tend to become very longwinded. If you need any more help analyzing (so you're definitely doing 'Rose's Turn?') just let me know. You can always email me at

Regis: And look at all this hair. My God. That's a lot of hair. Look at this. How does hair get this way?
Bernadette: Um.. it sort of grew out of my head like this.

-- Live with Regis

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