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Registered User

posted: 7/14/2003 at 2:33:11 PM ET
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Ok, this may seem stupid, but have always wondered about the press clips of shows they put on tv. How do they get them?! To be more clear, all those clips of Gypsy they showed during Bernadette's Sunday Show interview (as well as other places)--I'm just wondering when/how they tape all that. Do they have like a press day and just film specific clips to play? Or do they film the whole show? Or has an actual performance been filmed?? How's it all work?! lol...sorry if this is ridiculous, I just always wondered and this seemed like a good place to maybe get an answer! Thanks!'d the big Broadway Barks get together go?!

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/14/2003 at 3:00:59 PM ET
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Well, considering that every Broadway Show is taped for the Lincoln Center Library I assume that's where they got their footage.

Also though, did you happen to notice during that interview they showed the day of the Tony's, there was a film clip of an empty audience with just a photgrapher taking pictures during a live perormance (probably for publicity photos and the Show's Programs). So perhaps they do have a publicity day where there is an entire performance, but no real audience.

There was about 6 or 7 of us that hung out at Broadway Barks together, but not everyone was able to hang out after. We had fun though.


Registered User


Long Island, New York & Boston,
posted: 7/14/2003 at 3:02:46 PM ET
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I've always wondered the same thing Lj. I'm sure they must film all of the shows for historical purposes (records) in case someone needs to look back and study the show. I actually think there is a museum where students can watch past Broadway shows if they are studying them. The Broadway Barks get-together was a lot of fun. I met some very nice people!

~* Megan *~

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posted: 7/14/2003 at 9:33:10 PM ET
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THANKS! And I'm glad to hear you all had fun. Wish I coulda' been there!

Registered User


posted: 7/14/2003 at 10:54:12 PM ET
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I have always wondered this myself and it has always made me have hope that they would one day put all of Bernadette's shows on video....I especially want Annie Get Your Gun since I never got to see it. I just won't be able to die happy unless I can see everything she's been in. I envy all of you who live in or around New York...I live in Alabama and I've only been to NY in my dreams. I'm supppose to go in August just to see Gypsy...keep your fingers crossed for me!

Bump it with a trumpet!

Registered User


New York City

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few
Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein

posted: 7/14/2003 at 11:12:13 PM ET
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I guess we are lucky. I'm always saying, "Oh, I wish I lived in Miami, or Malibu, or whatever." But I guess if I lived in one of those places, then I would be complaining about missing things that happened in NYC. LOL It's so impossible to ever be completely happy (I think).


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