Topic Videos of Bernadette singing from the General Chit-Chat forum.
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Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 7/6/2012 at 7:34:36 AM ET Playbill has put together some videos of Bernadette singing:
Playbill, July 6, 2012
This includes her perfrmance of "Let Me Sing and I'm Happy" on the Johnny Carson The Tonight Show (June 1987), and his famous quote: Following her performance, host Johnny Carson exclaimed, "Damn, you're good!"
And here is the much talked about "Making Love Alone" (item # 3) (Johnny Carson The Tonight Show).
| DavidJ Registered User
Registered: 9/23/2011 | posted: 7/8/2012 at 5:41:21 PM ET Thanks Jean
Great clips, i've heard about Bernadette's version of "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry" but never heard it.
It's beautiful.
Loved her story about her Mum and the radio too!
"simply marvelous" and she thanks the piano player too
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