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Alexa Registered User
Registered: 9/23/2007
From: Los Angeles
Fav. BP Character: Rutanya Wallace (Tulips) Fav. BP Show: Sunday in the Park with George Fav. BP Song: With So Little To Be Sure Of
| posted: 6/19/2008 at 7:48:39 PM ET I bought a flyer/CD thingie on ebay that had a brief interview with Bernadette in it, here's a couple of the questions/answers for you all:
What artists do you admire?
Bernadette: "Vanessa Redgrave, Lyle Lovett, and zydeco music. Basically, I love all types of music ... and especially Stephen Sondheim, who has provided me with many great roles over the years."
You look fantastic! What's your secret?
Bernadette: "It's no secret that one needs to exercise to keep one's body together. I've never smoked, nor have I been a big meat eater. But having Italian genes doesn't hurt either ...."
Will you write another book?
Bernadette: "Because I love both of my dogs equally, the next book will be about my adorable pit bull, Stella."
The rest of the questions/answers were mostly just rehashes of the stuff she's said in recent interviews, except one little bit about her dogs: "They eat right, get lots of exercise, listen to music and participate in lots of conversation. Did you ever talk to a dog? Try it, it's fun!"
Like mother, like kids.
| Karen Registered User
Registered: 5/3/2002 | posted: 6/19/2008 at 9:16:32 PM ET I never knew she liked zydeco music. She must be enjoying herself now down in Louisiana.
| Scottie Registered User
Registered: 3/6/2006
From: Edinburgh, Scotland | posted: 6/20/2008 at 7:20:20 AM ET I love that she admires Vanessa Redgrave, almost all of the most memorable moments in my theatre-going career have been provided by this acting genius.
I agree with the concept of speaking to dogs, my Westie would constantly surprise people by joining in the conversation - and not by barking either. Sometimes I would even feel like I was having an arguement with her when she was being stubborn about something. Sally, my little adopted cat, is also a real chatterbox. Perhaps it's my constant chatter that brings this out in them.
"There’s a lot in the world for us to turn our attention to — helping people, helping animals, and helping animals help people." ... Bernadette Peters, August, 2007
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