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Topic: Gimmick Chat!

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AuthorTopic:   Gimmick Chat!
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Long Island
posted: 4/19/2004 at 10:17:16 PM ET
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Moderator: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:27 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:35 pm (et).
KatherineU: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:38 pm (et).
Caty: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:43 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:44 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: hello moderator...are we cool
Jenna: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:45 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:45 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Hi Kate - yes. We are just waiting for the other ladies and fans - we'll start at 7:00 - did you get my latest e-mail?
Kate Buddeke: hey gayton
Kate Buddeke: yup
JaredB: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:46 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: Hey all!!
Cynthia: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:46 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Hi Gayton - did you get my latest e-mail?
Gayton Scott: Yes, thankyou!
Cynthia: logs off on 4/18/2004 6:50 pm (et).
Cynthia: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:50 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Dear Fans: As this is a moderated chat, all your stuff is coming to me, so yes it working. Caty, Jared, Pegge, Cynthia, etc.
Jared: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:51 pm (et).
Danielle: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:52 pm (et).
Alicia: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:53 pm (et).
Jared: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:54 pm (et).
Heather Lee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:55 pm (et).
LT: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:56 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Phew.
Kate Buddeke: having fun moderator?
Moderator (Home Page): Yup.
Shana: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:57 pm (et).
Jean: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 6:57 pm (et).
Heather Lee: I am here
Heather Lee:
Gayton Scott: Is everything okay?
Moderator (Home Page): Welcome to the GYPSY LIVE CHAT with tonight’s guest, Kate Buddeke (Mazeppa), Heather Lee (Tessie Tura) and Gayton Scott (Electra) - the talented three women who bring down the house every night with the show-stopping YOU GOTTA GET A GIMMICK in GYPSY on Broadway currently playing at the Shubert Theater.
Moderator (Home Page): I am David, your moderator. You are welcome to start submitting your question at this time. The messages will come to me for consideration and posted for the ladies for answering. Due to time constraints and volume, I cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered, but we are going to do our best.
Tal: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:00 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Welcome ladies and thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to chat with the GYPSY fans tonight.
Heather Lee: Thank you for having us David!
Heather Lee:
Shana: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:02 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Marvin asks: Hi - I am so thrilled to be talking with you. You guys are great. My question: Do you arrive with the cast at the same time and wait around all night for your big number, or do you get to come in later?
KatherineU: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:02 pm (et).
AliVal: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:03 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Hi Marvin, Kate and I are both Mother's in the very first scene, so we have to be there at 1/2 hour along with everyone else. Gayton is Miss Cratchit and she is also in the first Act.
Heather Lee: David- Kate isn't seeing the questions
Gayton Scott: what going on?
Pegge: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:04 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:04 pm (et).
Vicki: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:04 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:04 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Ladies?
Gayton Scott: I'm not seeing the ?'s either
Kate Buddeke: i am not seeing questions
Gayton Scott: Yes
Kate Buddeke: am getting stuff from heather and gayton
Heather Lee: I can see everything!
Moderator (Home Page): Jared asks: I've noticed in the GYPSY Playbill, that many of the cast members are making their B-way debut. Is it EASY to get into a broadway show, not having had any prior B-show experience.
Moderator (Home Page): enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:06 pm (et).
Heather Lee: ok, Kate can see the questions now.
Cynthia: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:06 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: hey jared...nothing is ever easy in this business, but a few people got in gypsy by going to open calls
Jared: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:07 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: What's happening??
Moderator (Home Page): And Gayton?
Cynthia: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:07 pm (et).
Jared: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:07 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Can everyone see the questions?
Heather Lee: Jared, over 2000 people auditioned for GYPSY, so, no I don't think it's easy to get in a Broadway show. We just happened to have gotten a lot of very talented young newcomers.
Heather Lee: Yes
Gayton Scott: I'm not seeing the ?'s
Moderator (Home Page): From Alicia: Do you get noticed everywhere you go now that you're hits in Gypsy?
KristenK: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:08 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Well, a lot od people don't recognize us with all of our clothes on!
Jean: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:09 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: alicia...we really look alot different that what we do in the show...i rarely get recognized...until i speak...then people recognize my voice
Gayton Scott: What's happening????
Moderator (Home Page): Pegge: What has been your best experience with Gypsy - each of you must have a best moment! Pegge
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:09 pm (et).
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:09 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: I'm not seeing any of the ?'s
Moderator (Home Page): Gayton - log off and log back in.
Heather Lee: Every performance is a new best moment. Opening Night was very exciting and the night we found out we were not closing was GREAT!
Kate Buddeke: pegge...there are so many...opening night was a hoot...and just hanging out with the people in the cast is pretty cool...walking on stage every night is awesome to me
Moderator (Home Page): From Caty: Hi, think you gals are awesome!... my question is, when Kate does her big trupmet solo, have you ever like totally messed up? thats a really hard solo to do!
Heather Lee: LOL
Moderator (Home Page): From Jared: Heather, I saw you in the reading of BINGO! I loved it and you, have you heard if anything else is going to happen with that show?
Kate Buddeke: oh my god...!!!!!...sometimes absolutely nothing comes out (okay heather) and i can hear the musicians in the pit laughing at me...and don't ever bend over and blow a trumpet with a hangover
Jared: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:12 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: I'm still not seeing any of the questions
Jared: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:13 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From LT: Is it hard to keep straight faces when you sing You Gotta Get A Gimmick?
Kate Buddeke: i laugh at gayton and heather every night!!!
Heather Lee: Thank you Jared. I love BINGO. I did a production of it is Los Angles as well as at The Ordway in Minneapolis. Now there is a lot of interest in bringing it to Off-Broadway this season. Keep your fingers crossed!
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:13 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): I have seen the show 3 times and LOVE IT! From KristenK: Can you tell me some funny, unexpected things that have happened on stage?
Gayton Scott: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:14 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: heather and gayton should take that as i have an unexpected trumpet solo every night
Heather Lee: It's hard to keep a straight face during Kate's trumpet solo!
Moderator (Home Page): From Katherine: When you were children, did you see yourselves as actresses?
Renee1: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:14 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: absolutely katherine...but i didn't start doing acting until i was in my 30's
Renee1: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:15 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From Jean: How does the audience reaction affect your performance?
Heather Lee: Well, in the beginning I would have bumper problems and my costume would overheat.
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:15 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:15 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From Pegge: Yeah Heather what did happen to Bingo? Also Kate- wll you stay in New York after Gypsy???
Matt: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:16 pm (et).
Heather Lee: I knew when I was 10, probably earlier that I wanted to be an actress. At 4 years old I debuted on my Father's TV show in Minneapolis.
Kate Buddeke: jean..the audience is crucial...i know they generally love it, but i love it more when the audience is more vocal
Moderator (Home Page): From Caty: Kate- Has your HUGE feathered hat ever slip or fall off? lol
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:16 pm (et).
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:16 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: hey pegge...i am definitely staying in if you see me pushing a shopping cart asking for money or food...GIVE ME SOME
Moderator (Home Page): From Tall: Did you always want to be actresses/singers? Or is there a different passion that you have? If you wouldn't have been performing what would you have each done?
Kate Buddeke: caty...that thing is very light and it attached very tightly...i alway hit my head on low ceiling though
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:17 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From Vicki: Can you describe what a typical day is like when you're in a show? Days with evening performance only & a day with a matinee & evening show.
Heather Lee: Jean- the audience is like another cast member. We all feel a lot better when there are a lot of laughs coming from the audience, it makes us all want to give more. But we try not to change our performance if the audience is reserved. They may just be listening intently!
Gayton Scott: I would have been an art historian
Kate Buddeke: i think that if you can do anything else you should be an actor...and i can't do anything else...i would like to teach however
Moderator (Home Page): Are you single strippers or married strippers and do guys wait to flirt with you at the stage door- does anyone think you really are strippers????
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:18 pm (et).
Heather Lee: LOL
Moderator (Home Page): Gayton---Was it difficult to fit into the cast of Gypsy when you took over the role? You are great!
Kate Buddeke: i walk to work...drink alot of coffee...the only bad thing is we can't see alot of theater...which i miss
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:19 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: I'm single!!
Moderator (Home Page): What music do you listen to? - Alicia
Heather Lee: I am a married stripper, my husband is Greg Thirloway a handsome, wonderful actor. No one flirts with us at the stage door- have you seen what we look like on stage, about 90 years old!
Kate Buddeke: i am single...and god...i think men are afraid of nope no flirting
Gayton Scott: A little bit, but every one was very supportive
Moderator (Home Page): Gayton- when you do you little "light solo" have they never not worked? - Caty
Heather Lee: Heck, I'm afraid of Mazeppa!
Kate Buddeke: you should be heather lee
Moderator (Home Page): Jared - please stop asking that quesiton - I will answer it for you privatly. Thank you.
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:21 pm (et).
Gayton Scott: Thank god not yet!! Now i've probably jinked myself
Moderator (Home Page): From Vicki - How are things looking for the show? Will it go through the summer?
Kate Buddeke: gayton...they haven't just didn't notice
Gayton Scott: Thanks Katie!1
Moderator (Home Page): From Danielle: What is is like to work with Bernadette Peters on Broadway?
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:22 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Vicki- we don't know yet how long we will run. So far it's looking like we will get through May, but no decisions have been made yet. So, if you haven't seen the show, come NOW!
Kate Buddeke: hopefully we will...we have done pretty well so far so tell everyone you know to see it ok?
Gayton Scott: We certainly hope so!!
Moderator (Home Page): Jared: Kate, when do u decide if your going to put the "t" on the work ballet or not? I love when you put it on. I've seen the show 18 times now, so have seen you do it both ways.
Kate Buddeke: bernadette is a goddess and the most professional, lovely, funny, ever
Matt: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:23 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From Ali: Whats your fave thing to do outside of work?
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:23 pm (et).
Heather Lee: We love Bernadette!
Gayton Scott: BP is amazing!!
Kate Buddeke: it depends on how heather is looking at don't know...sometimes i just want to do something different, i guess.
Gayton Scott: Ali, I think we're all big readers!
Moderator (Home Page): To Shana: So have you seen Assassins or Twentieth Century? Gayton- you were hilarious as Cratchitt and Electra! For Heather and Kate, is it hard to say goodbye to the cast members who have gone?
Moderator (Home Page): From Shana. Sorry
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:25 pm (et).
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:25 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From Tal (with one "l") I love Bernadette too! My dream is to perform with her. To be in her league is incredible. I'm jealous that you girls get to perform with her practically every night!
Kate Buddeke: i loved assassins...absolutely loved it...we are seeing 20th cen. this weekend...and yes it is horribly hard to say good bye...and i guess gayton is good enough...just kidding..we love gayton
Heather Lee: I haven't seen either show yet. And we were very sad to see our original Electra, Julie Halston leave for 20th Century- but we are SO HAPPy to have Gayton. She is a very welcome addition to the cast and to the dressing room!
Kate Buddeke: i certainly learn alot from bernadette...her abilities are mind boggling
Moderator (Home Page): From Alicia: What are your relationships like with the younger kids in the show like Heather Tepe? Isn't she so cute?
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:26 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: those damn kids won't leave me alone...
Moderator (Home Page): I could probably phrase this better but you'll much did you guys look to the movie of gypsy for what to do with your characters?
Kate Buddeke: NOT AT ALL!!!!!!!!
Gayton Scott: What's happening?????
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:27 pm (et).
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:27 pm (et).
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:27 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Hmm. I hadn't seen the movie in years.
Moderator (Home Page): From Vicki: You all are big readers per Gayton. What's goodright now. I'm always looking for different things to read.
Kate Buddeke: middlesex is a great book...
Gayton Scott: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:28 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): From Caty: Kate- I know you've done Carousel, Death of a Salesmen and GYPSY, which one do you think is yor favorite or are they all pretty much equal?
Heather Lee: My backstage goal to to read all of the Pulitzer Prize winners for Fiction. I loved Middlesex too.
Moderator (Home Page): From Jenna: HEY! you guys are wicked wicked funny! I saw the show twice and i LOVED IT! I was just wondering what are each of your favorite broadways shows!?
Heather Lee: Jenna, that we have seen?
Kate Buddeke: i have to say...salesman...only because i am mainly a theater person and the show came from chicago which made me proud...i love gypsy tons...mainly because the people are so great
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:29 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Heather - Yes.
Moderator (Home Page): From Jean: Did Sam Mendes give you any particular "words of wisdom" that helped you make your performance special?
Gayton Scott: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:30 pm (et).
Heather Lee: I loved Sunday in the Park. Chorus Line.....
Moderator (Home Page): From Jared: I’ve done community theatre shows before and everyone acts like a big family. Are broadway shows like that too? Or is there a line between business and pleasure?
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:30 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: gosh...favorite shows...that's hard...i love more downtown theater
Moderator (Home Page): From Ali: Which actors do you gals look up to the most?
Kate Buddeke: sam was amazing...he treated this show like a straight play and his wisdom is on stage every night
Heather Lee: Sam was very generous and wise. There were many words of wisdom. We love Sam.
Kate Buddeke: sometimes there is a line jared...but the gypsy cast is definitely a family...
Moderator (Home Page): Broadway to Broadway - is it wasy to get another Broadway show when you are currently in one- is that done- can you move around?
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:32 pm (et).
Heather Lee: I look up to Kate Buddeke
Moderator (Home Page): From Shana: Have you ever snuck into the house and seen Gypsy from the audience's perspective?
Kate Buddeke: i don't look up to anyone...face to face maybe...but not up
Kate Buddeke: i watch the first act a couple of times a month...
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:33 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Had you all known each other before, or anyone in the cast? If not, how was it starting to work together? Was it straight-off chemistry?
Heather Lee: Usually the principlas are signed to at least a 6 month contract- we were on a year contract originally and now we are on an extension to September 5th. The ensemble can get out of the show at any time with 4 weeks notice.
Kate Buddeke: broadway...yes...they usually don't want to see you for anything else while you are in a show
Gayton Scott: It may be easier, when you're in one show to get another, yes.
Moderator (Home Page): What do you think will be next after GYPSY?... will you perform new shows? Caty
Gayton Scott: God, I hope so
Heather Lee: No, we didn't know each other. I had worked with David Brtka ( Tulsa) in Beauty and the Beast briefly, but that's it.
Moderator (Home Page): What is some advice that you would tell to an aspiring Broadway performer(Me) other than the usual "keep dreaming and you can do anything you put your mind to"?
Kate Buddeke: it's always weird at first for me...but the cast hit it off pretty easily and quickly
Moderator (Home Page): Do any of you have dream roles?
Heather Lee: Study. Keep learning. Try to perform wherever you can.
Moderator (Home Page): From Sandy: How long does it take for you to get into costume?
Gayton Scott: Study and work , try to do any kind or theatre you can
Moderator (Home Page): If you could portray any character in Gypsy, would you choose your characters? Katherine
Kate Buddeke: caty...i have no idea what will be next...that is have the fun and trauma of being in this business
Kate Buddeke: sandy...i get into costume quickly..mine is easy
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:36 pm (et).
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:36 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Do you eat alot of carbs back stage- has anyone gained weight?
Heather Lee: Sandy, we have a wonderful dresser Sue who helps us into our costumes every night. Without her it would take hours, but it usually takes about 10 minutes.
Gayton Scott: Ouisa, in "Six Degrees of separation"
Moderator (Home Page): Heather, what was it like to work with David Burtka in BATB...he's my favorite Male in Gypsy...wish I had seen him in his past work(s)
Kate Buddeke: i would like to play martha in who's afraid of virginia wolfe
Gayton Scott: The one's I'm playing!
Kate Buddeke: i won't mind giving mamma rose a shot
Heather Lee: Katherine- I love Tessie. I have played Electra and Louise in other productions. And I loved playing them too!
Moderator (Home Page): Any word about possibly making Gypsy available on DVD? Sondheim likes to do that with his shows, it would be AWESOME if it was. Alicia
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:37 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: i have lost weight and they told me not to...
Heather Lee: David was a wonderful Pepper Shaker in B&TB!
Moderator (Home Page): This is kinda random but what are your favorite tv shows/ food? JENNA!
Kate Buddeke: alicia...ya never know...i would like a dvd
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:38 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: jenna...i love the real life crime stuff...and chinese food
Moderator (Home Page): Do any of you have crushes on Broadway celebs? Tal
Gayton Scott: Not one of us has gained weight!! Really we would have costume problems!
Heather Lee: We would all love it if they taped the show for A&E or something.
Moderator (Home Page): Kate - I'm OBSESSED with Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf. I'm only 16 but I want to play her someday (not on broadway or anything though) or direct the show. =) Alicia
Kate Buddeke: oh my god...i loved ben chaplin...he should marry me
Heather Lee: I have a crush on James Naughton.
Moderator (Home Page): Anyone you all would like to work with?Jared
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:39 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: i am obesessed with it too alicia
Gayton Scott: I love Thai food
Heather Lee: I loved Sex & The City....
Moderator (Home Page): Heather when you played Louise was the transformation from Louise to Gypsy hard. LT
Kate Buddeke: jared...i will work with anyone
Heather Lee: Food is good!
Moderator (Home Page): Have you or any other cast members gotten star struck by seeing a big name celebrity in the audience that came backstage? Danielle
Gayton Scott: Hugh Jackman
Kate Buddeke: oh and the city loved that
Adam: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:40 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Heather, what did you play in B&TB? Tal
Gayton Scott: No, but I did see Marlon Brando once, and that blew my mind
Kate Buddeke: danielle...i was star stuck when cher was there
Heather Lee: LT- at first the strip was very intimidating for me- by the end of the run I was really enjoying it though!
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:40 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): What are some things that you cannot leave your house without? ~*~Jenna
Heather Lee: Meryl Streep came backstage- that was a starstruck moment for me.
Moderator (Home Page): How do you all feel about the stage door/fan letters? Jared
Moderator (Home Page): Gayton, was it difficult joining the established cast after Julie Halston left? Adam
Jason: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:41 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: jenna..cell phone...
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:42 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Jenna- mascara, lipstick, sunglasses!
JaredB: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:42 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): How often does Stephen Sondheim come to the show? KristenK
Kate Buddeke: i love the fans...and letter...i have gotten some that made me feel so important in someone's life
Moderator (Home Page): fave pizza topping?
Heather Lee: ditto on cell phone
Kate Buddeke: kristen..he comes maybe every couple of months...but since assassin started he hasn't been...he is a lovely man
Gayton Scott: Guys I'm not seeing any ?'s
Moderator (Home Page): How much can you see of the audience from the stage when performing? Do you get some pretty wild looks from them? Vicki
Kate Buddeke: mushrooms
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:43 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): After the shows, has there ever been a no standing ovation? Caty
Heather Lee: We haven't seen Mr. Sondheim for a while- but that doesn't mean he hasn't been there.
Gayton Scott: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:43 pm (et).
Kate Buddeke: i don't wear my glasses, i can't see a thing...thank god
Moderator (Home Page): Unfortunately, we only have time for 2 more questions.
Moderator (Home Page): Heather Lee, was there anyone in particular that helped you develop your role? Jason
Kate Buddeke: caty...that has never happened
Heather Lee: We have done 435 performances with previews, there was only ONE night where there wasn't a stanind ovation
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:44 pm (et).
Moderator (Home Page): Gayton, How often does your family come to see the show? Jason
Kate Buddeke: that's because i wasn't there
Heather Lee: One Kate. Maybe you were out sick and that's why they didn't stand.
Moderator (Home Page): Is there one thing you each would like to say to us, your fans?? Jean
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:45 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Jason- , Sam and I worked together in rehearsal to create Tessie.
Kate Buddeke: jean...i would like to thank the fans...for being there for gypsy and tell them that we are not out of the woods and tell their friends to come check us out
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:46 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Jean- KEEP COMING TO THE SHOW! Tell your friends to come and thank you for being such loyal fans!
Moderator (Home Page): On behalf of the fans who participated tonight, we want to thank Kate, Heather and Gayton for taking the time to answer these questions and we’ll look forward to seeing you again in GYPSY.
Renee: enters the chatroom on 4/18/2004 7:47 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Thank you!
Kate Buddeke: yeah...thanks alot...this was fun
Moderator (Home Page): A transcript of this session will be available at the GYPSY website in the coming days - thank you all for participating and I apoligize for the glitches. - David
Heather Lee: We are happy to be here!
Moderator (Home Page): Good night.
Kate Buddeke: bye
Kate Buddeke: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:49 pm (et).
Pegge: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:49 pm (et).
Alicia: logs off on 4/18/2004 7:49 pm (et).
Heather Lee: Good night everyone. Please come see us!


Registered User


posted: 4/19/2004 at 11:24:43 PM ET
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That was great to read. I missed the chat because I had to work, so thank you for posting this!

You either got it, or you aint!

Registered User


northern VA
posted: 4/20/2004 at 12:47:46 AM ET
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Wonderful! I couldn't be there,so thank you.


BP Broadway Diva
Registered User



Fav. BP Song: Rose's Turn
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Rose
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Etc

posted: 4/20/2004 at 3:30:51 PM ET
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I had so much fun in the chat! Two out of four of my questions were answered which was cool. One was more a comment then a question. I kinda just said they were awesome and thanks for signing my playbill and cd.


"If you'll just hold Chowsie for me-that's short for chow mein. Mommy just loves her chow mein, now doesn't she, Chowsie Wowsie?"

"Once I was a schlepper...Now I'm Miss Mezepa"

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New Jersey

Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure of
Fav. BP Show: Gypsy
Fav. BP Character: Dot
Fav. BP CD: Sondheim Ect.

posted: 4/20/2004 at 4:21:24 PM ET
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sorry BP Broadway Diva but I personally thought the chat was so wacked out! It was unorganized and terribly put together. I understand that people were happy that their questions got answered but i also had questions. What they really should have done was pick one question from each person. Reading the transcript proves that some poeple had 2 or even 3 Q's answered while others didn't have any. Not a big deal...just thought it was annoying. In actuality, now that i think about it, Its actually kinda silly that im saying all this because i've met kate and gayton 2X each and had the opportunity to ask them questions.

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