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Annnie Get Your Rose Registered User
Registered: 10/16/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 1:16:21 PM ET Who in the hell is this guy? He really is an ass isn't he. I just got the chance to read an interview with him. He is just like Simon from American Idol bc the only reason he bashes performers and shows is to become more famous. What a loser!
BroadwayBabyGal Registered User
Registered: 5/8/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 1:40:06 PM ET Ass is the best word to describe him.
Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 2:17:23 PM ET Peter Filichia, a columnist on theatermania.com, wrote a very perceptive and balanced (to me) article on Riedel, which really helps me whenever I read another one of Reidel's taunting-half-truth-self-serving columns.
He is, in the end, a pathetic little boy with no self-esteem who wants to play with the grown ups but doesn't know how, so he throws tantrums in print.
[There, I feel better. And my New Year's resolution is to ignore the stupid, cruel and negative in this world. ]
filichia on riedel
PA Fan Registered User
Registered: 11/6/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 2:27:07 PM ET He really can't seem to resist giving Bernadette a shot whenever possible. Earlier this week, he essentially said that the folks now going to see Gypsy are "unsophisticated," and her problem is that many patrons don't really know or recognize her when she comes down the aisle at the beginning of the show. He mentions how some lady in the audience -- not realizing at first that it was Bernadette in the aisle -- told BP to be quiet when she said her "sing out Louise" line.
Instead of just mentioning the lady's comical remark in error he turns the story into how Bernadette is on the downslide because folks don't know it's her when she comes down the aisle.
When I first Gypsy in August, I had no idea anyone was going to come down the aisle, much less BP.
jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 1/4/2004 at 5:08:01 PM ET I read that same article. In fairness,I don't think it was negative toward Bernadette-he portrayed the audience as being akin to bumpkins. Nothing against her. And he's certainly not the first to make comments about audiences for a show late in its run (if that's a fair judgement,I can't say,being that I'm not in a position to judge.)
:shrug: I just didn't read it as an attack against her,unless I missed something. A rather snooty attitude toward a certain audience,but not to her-this time,at least.
Annnie Get Your Rose Registered User
Registered: 10/16/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 6:07:51 PM ET He has come out and said that BP was miscast and that any one who is still going to this production is unsophisticated. Many other examples. He just doesnt like BP
MsPetersFan1 Registered User
Registered: 6/25/2002
From: Long Island, New York & Boston, | posted: 1/4/2004 at 9:28:21 PM ET I wonder if they have ever come face to face in person before, at a party or something. I don't know if anyone takes him seriously or not anymore. He's so ridiculous that if I ever met him, I'd just laugh. But I guess in every situation there is always a Riedel. His picture should be under the definition of an ass in the dictionary.
~* Megan *~
Mandy Registered User
Registered: 8/14/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 9:54:40 PM ET Yes, I think "ass" is the best word to describe him...he might even agree...
"You gotta be original, because if you're like somebody else, what do they need you for?" ~Bernadette Peters
Bernadette-Fanatic Registered User
Registered: 6/11/2002 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 11:34:57 PM ET I'm always baffled at how people could mistake Bernadette as someone else walking down the aisle. Would a disruptive patron be wearing a microphone that amplified their voice through speakers? I think not.
angelgrl9 Registered User
Registered: 2/16/2003 | posted: 1/4/2004 at 11:41:11 PM ET Jean, that was a wonderful thing to read... thank you so much for posting it! it puts many interesting thoughts on the subject into perspective as well as raise new thoughts to me that had never crossed my mind before. thanks again!
gracie lou freebush Registered User
Registered: 12/25/2003
From: Arizona | posted: 1/5/2004 at 12:07:35 AM ET
quote: Would a disruptive patron be wearing a microphone that amplified their voice through speakers? I think not.
That's hilarious! I read your post and I started cracking up. 
~I'm gliding here! Asshole.~
PA Fan Registered User
Registered: 11/6/2003 | posted: 1/5/2004 at 12:20:26 AM ET Re-reading his blurb, I guess maybe I did take it much too seriously. Perhaps it's the sight of his name that gets the blood pressure up.
Riedel (1/2/04): It is a truism on Broadway that after about six months into the run, the audience for a show becomes pretty unsophisticated.
Case in point: "Gypsy," where audiences no longer applaud Bernadette Peters' entrance because they aren't quite sure who she is.
But that's nothing compared to what happened the other night.
Peters, at the back of the house as Momma Rose, yelled out her first (and rather famous) line: "Sing out, Louise!"
A woman sitting just in front of her turned around and said, "Will you please be quiet! This is a Broadway show!"
jmslsu01 Registered User
Registered: 6/9/2003
From: northern VA | posted: 1/5/2004 at 12:45:34 AM ET LOL-I'm well aware of what Riedel has written about Bernadette. I subscribed to Theater Week back in the day,so his stuff is nothing new.
But nobody-including Riedel-could make me any less happy than I am now,since LSU won the Sugar Bowl. On a personal level,my family and I have needed something to be happy about and take our minds off our current situation,so this was a wonderful-if a bit anxious during the last quarter!-evening. Deededarlin-I hope you were watching! Go Tigers!
Brandon29 Registered User
Registered: 6/13/2003
From: Brooklyn, NY | posted: 1/5/2004 at 12:52:35 AM ET Michael must go to the show a lot (especially not being a fan of the production) considering he seems to always be up-to-date on how Bernadette is doing!
PA Fan Registered User
Registered: 11/6/2003 | posted: 1/5/2004 at 10:23:37 AM ET
"Michael must go to the show a lot (especially not being a fan of the production) considering he seems to always be up-to-date on how Bernadette is doing!"
Brandon29...I was thinking the same thing!
bliss Registered User
Registered: 4/5/2003 | posted: 1/5/2004 at 10:36:09 AM ET Just so you all definitely know...There has NEVER been a show where the audience doesn't applaud Bernadette's entrance...NEVER...and the story about the patron...well, damn...that's the oldest story in Gypsy history!
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