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Bernadette-Fanatic Registered User
Registered: 6/11/2002 | posted: 12/22/2003 at 1:14:47 PM ET Hi everyone!
Just got back from NY last night (After spending 30 hours on a train. Thank you very much Amtrak. Grrr.) It was a very memorable trip. Took in some great shows, but I should probably focus on Gypsy for now.
The anticipation for this show had been so intense before I saw the show that it was almost impossible to function a few weeks before the trip. After months and months of planning, it was so surreal to finally be standing outside the Shubert this past Tuesday.
I was a bit nervous, though, when I went into the show because I knew Bernadette (like every other actor out there) could be having an off night and, tragically, it was one of those nights.
The great reviews are first: her acting was impeccable. She brought a human side that was definitely lacking in the 93 movie (the only other production of the show I had seen) and while in the end she admits that she did it all for herself, I feel differently. Yes, she pushed her kids into doing things they did not want to do, but she only wanted what was best for them. For me personally, the most frightening moment of the show is when she is at the desk right before Louise is about to go on and she is re-writing "Let me Entertain You". The panic and urgency she exhibits there is so frightening and lets the audience know who truly desperate she is to make Louise a star.
A great moment for her that I wasn't expecting was when Herbie is saying, "But I can't..." when she mentions that "'ll have to discuss money with Herbie." On the CD, you hear her say "Please!", but in the show she just mouths the word "please" while seductively touching her breasts. Perfect comedic timing!
The lighting in Rose's Turn was incredible. I loved how after the transition into "Why did I do it...", the footlight hits Bernadette in such a way where it casts that enormous shadow of her in the background. Very effective. Her performance for that number was phenomenal but unfortunately, I was the only one in the entire theatre that gave her a standing ovation. (A well deserved one, I might add.)
The only disappointment I had was her vocal performance. In the beginning of the show, she was coughing a little bit and putting her index finger under her nose a lot. (We've all seen her do that before, right? ) Her voice just sounded very strained in some of the songs and you could tell that it was hurting her to get through them. Her cold also seemed to affect her speaking voice. In the parts where she would be yelling, it seemed difficult for her to get the breath and support she needed to make the lines convincing. My heart really went out to her. We've all had those times when we've been sick and it's hard to even talk. I can't imagine having to, when you're not at your peak, go out and do a performance.
All in all, it was still a wonderful evening. There weren't many at the stage door but when Bernadette came out, her assistant was with her and motioned for Bernadette to come and speak with me. (I dropped a card off for her at the stage door before the show) "Oh Jeff! It's so nice to meet you," she said to me as she made her way over to where I was standing! The best part was that a friend of mine had her video camera with her so I very fortunate that I have that wonderful moment caught on tape. (Just for the record, my friend was video taping in a very unobtrusive way in which I’m sure Bernadette did not feel smothered) I got a picture with her and also got a cute postcard that Marvin handed out to everyone that read “Happy Holiday from the Gypsy Orchestra” with a picture of the entire orchestra and Bernadette in the center. Once I find a scanner, I’ll send those pictures along to Kevin.
| bernielover48 Registered User
Registered: 7/17/2003 | posted: 12/22/2003 at 6:52:42 PM ET Sounds like you had a pretty awesome time! I hope Bernadette is doing okay! Thanks for sharing!! 
"I had a dream, I dreamed it for you June. It wasn't for me Herbie! And if it wasn't for me, then where would you be, Miss. Gypsy Rose Lee?" ~**~Rose's Turn~**~
| BwayEileen Registered User
Registered: 12/23/2003 | posted: 12/23/2003 at 2:03:29 PM ET what do you do to drop a card or letter off at the stage door? Just walk in and say "this is for Bernadette"? Is that how it works? I'd be nervous going back there to drop it off y'know? But if anyone has done it could you post what you did and how it worked out? thanks
| BroadwayBabyGal Registered User
Registered: 5/8/2003 | posted: 12/23/2003 at 6:34:18 PM ET Yup, that's how you do it.
| Chip1012 Registered User
Registered: 7/13/2003
From: Boston | posted: 12/24/2003 at 2:25:22 PM ET I'm going to the evening show on 1/7 and I'm planning to drop off a card...hmm what to say to my idol? I suppose I'll mention that I'm part of the scrapbook and so many things to say! Goodness!
"It was an ad for Minksy-and the headline said: MADAME ROSE-
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