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Author | Topic: Bernadette and BC/EFA |
BroadwayQueen06 Registered User
Registered: 9/3/2003 | posted: 11/30/2003 at 8:15:00 PM ET Does anybody know Bernadette's technical title? I can't seem to find it.
| Rose Registered User
Registered: 9/28/2003
From: NY
Fav. BP Song: No One Is Alone and Some People Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Rose/The Witch Fav. BP CD: Gypsy
| posted: 11/30/2003 at 9:55:04 PM ET What does BCEFA stand for anyway?
| BroadwayQueen06 Registered User
Registered: 9/3/2003 | posted: 11/30/2003 at 10:06:29 PM ET Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. It's a non-profit organization located in New York to help fund AIDS research and to treat those with the disease.
| Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 11/30/2003 at 10:55:30 PM ET I'm all for asking questions, but there is such a thing as doing a little research on your own. Google things once in a while or read a book about Theatre; you'll be surprised at how much you can learn. 
I always felt that questions are what come after you have done research and still cannot find the answer for which you are looking; or are meant for discussions based on information you did find.
| BroadwayQueen06 Registered User
Registered: 9/3/2003 | posted: 11/30/2003 at 11:17:28 PM ET Defending myself, I did google it and I came up with a couple of different answers: Board of Trustees, Board of Directors, Beneficiary. I didn't know if these had changed over time and what the current title was. I'm sorry if I offended you in any way. That was not the intention.
| Anonymous Anonymous Poster
From Internet Network: 172.173.231.x | posted: 11/30/2003 at 11:25:06 PM ET I think she was referring to Rose, who asked what BCEFA is, not you, BroadwayQueen!
| Broadwaybaby17 Registered User
Registered: 3/18/2003
From: Alabama | posted: 11/30/2003 at 11:30:02 PM ET it definitely wasn't meant for bwayqueen. Rose, the reason that most of us know the answers to these questions is because we have done the research. we were once brand new fans such as yourself. search this website and other websites for your information and then ask some questions. also, amazon and ebay are great places to get bernadette stuff if you cant find it to rent.
Bump it with a trumpet!
| Christine-NYC Registered User
Registered: 3/23/2002
From: New York City
Fav. BP Song: With So Little to be Sure Of Fav. BP Show: Gypsy Fav. BP Character: Marie (insert last name) lol There's a few Fav. BP CD: Bernadette Peters Loves Rogers and Hammerstein
| posted: 12/2/2003 at 6:39:10 AM ET I'm sorry, I just realized I should have been more direct. I definitely didn't mean you BroadwayQueen.
| UCFGuardgirl Registered User
Registered: 6/15/2003
From: New York City | posted: 12/2/2003 at 5:52:02 PM ET Broadway Cares Equity Fights Aids.
It's an organization run through equity that supports AIDS research and aid to those living with the disease. Every year around Christmastime (tourist season) the shows collect money and auction off items (sometimes on stage) to support this cause. They run other events throughout the year, and you can also go and find the website online, where there's a bunch of cool stuff.
Don't feel bad about asking a question. It's a perfectly valid question, and the only way to find out about these things is to do an internet search or ask people you think might know. Which is what you did. I know *I* wouldn't want to be scolded for asking a question, even if the info was available online, or I thought it might be stupid. No questions are stupid.
And as the niece of an actor who died of AIDS, I think it's important to answer questions like these. Maybe being nice to someone who asks might encourage them to find out more about the cause and contribute. You never know.
Q: Any funny incidents or accidents with Kristin (Chenoweth)?
Norbert Leo Butz: I have this Errol Flynn moment where I swing in on this rope. One night in San Francisco, I let go of the rope and the rest of the actors started cracking up. I turned around and the rope had literally tied around Kristin's head and got caught on her crown and was pulling her off stage. It was like watching Barbie get hung.
---------> interviews Norbert Leo Butz, of WICKED
| BroadwayQueen06 Registered User
Registered: 9/3/2003 | posted: 12/2/2003 at 11:53:01 PM ET
quote: I'm sorry, I just realized I should have been more direct. I definitely didn't mean you BroadwayQueen.
No problem, I was just making myself clear. Althought I still haven't gotten an answer to my original question. LOL.
| StinKerRoadMann Registered User
Registered: 8/7/2003 | posted: 12/2/2003 at 11:57:15 PM ET Hey BroadwayQueen...check your pm's there's some good info there
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