Topic Manhattan Theatre Club and Bernadette from the General Chit-Chat forum.
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Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 11/27/2003 at 11:35:18 AM ET As those of us who have seen Gypsy know (it's in her playbill bio), Bernadette is on the Board of Directors of the Manhattan Theatre Club (MTC). Well, she is not JUST on the board--in the playbill for the MTC production of "Rose's Dilemma", she is listed as "Capital Campaign Co-Chairman". And who better than Bernadette to charm, tease, or otherwise sweet- talk people into contributing?
And a happy Thanksgiving to all...
| Karen Registered User
Registered: 5/3/2002 | posted: 11/27/2003 at 12:01:57 PM ET Jean, far be it from me to solicit any inappropriately premature judgements, but I take it you've seen a preview performance of Rose's Dilemma?
| Jean Registered User
Registered: 6/7/2003 | posted: 11/27/2003 at 5:54:26 PM ET Yes, thanks for asking. I saw the show at the Wednesday matinee--that would make it, I think, the 3rd performance. I've done a little write-up (you're right, I wouldn't do a REVIEW) and put it in the Theater Chat section (off-topic, don'cha know.
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