| Gorgeous from head to toe... | | | "Ms. Peters gave an Oscar worthy performance as an upper torso trying to make a living on the Disco circuit..." New York Times | | | I don't know what's funnier, the "do you have this size in black?" look she's giving, or the kid behind her with the goofy "Holy Hotness, Batman!" plastered on his face? | | | Keep working it, kid, and someday you might grow up to be as awesome as Bernadette Peters...oh wait... | | | Some things really do come "nat-chur-ly" | | | 100% proven to remove plaque from the hardest of hearts...can I hear an "awww" | | | Check out the tiny bit of ab definition...oh yeah, she's still got it | | | "Ready or not...here comes mama" | | | She's very, "I'm cute...I get it...now take the picture and walk away slowly" | | | Okay, seriously, love them both...but how are these two women mistaken for one another? | |